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in #technologynews6 years ago

White House downplays talk of executive order targeting internet bias

"Is President Trump looking at an executive order that would investigate internet companies over his accusations of political bias ? Not officially... although the government isn't strictly denying the claims, either. After Bloomberg reported the existence of …"



" JAXAが、9月21日に探査機「はやぶさ2」から分離したMINERVAII-1が小惑星リュウグウに無事着地したと発表しました。MINERVAII-1は2機の探査ローバーで成り立っており、いずれもが小惑星表面に降りた世界初のローバーということになります。はやぶさ2は、21日の午後にリュウグウ上空55mでMINERVA II-1を分離、重力がほとんどない小惑星でバウンドして宇宙空間にはね返されてしまわないよう、秒速数cmという非常にゆっくりした速度でそろりそろりとリュウグウに近づき、着地しました。 Rover-1A…"


3D gun distributor Cody Wilson deported to the US

" Authorities aren't wasting any time bringing Cody Wilson, the owner of 3D-printed gun maker Defense Distributed, back to the US. Taiwan officials deported Wilson to the US on September 22nd following his arrest a day earlier over his annulled legal s..."



" 9月23日のおもなできごと 2000年、Microsoftが「Windows Millennium Edition」(日本語版)を発売 2016年、コルグが省電力な真空管「Nutube」を発売 2016年、D4エンタープライズが「SILENT MÖBIUS CASE:TITANIC REPRODUCTION」を復刻 2017年、ASUSがSIMフリーのAndroidスマホ「ZenFone 4」を発売2016年:真空管の新製品登場でマニアでなくとも驚いた「Nutube」 コルグとノリタケ伊勢電子によって開発、製造…"


Comcast to acquire Sky for $39 billion following bidding war

" The fierce bidding battle over Sky has come to a close -- Comcast has successfully outbid 21st Century Fox to acquire the UK media giant for $39 billion. It clinched the deal following an unusual blind auction through the UK's Takeover Panel, which..."


Apple reportedly delays original shows over mature content

"Apple has skewed toward safer fare for its upcoming streaming video service (with occasional exceptions), and it now looks like that might be creating problems for a few shows. Wall Street Journal sources have claimed that Apple's push for more famil..."


NextVR brings virtual reality broadcasts to the Oculus Rift

" NextVR provides access to immersive sports and entertainment broadcasts for a number of virtual reality headsets, but it had a huge Oculus-shaped gap in its compatibility list. Now, the platform has finally rolled out support for the Oculus Rift and..."


Google Drive 'Priority' AI monitors your team to surface the right files

" Google's 'G Suite' of apps and services has been applying machine learning everywhere over the last couple of years, and the latest update it's testing for Google Drive goes a bit further. Two years ago it launched the machine learning-enhanced Quick..."


Recommended Reading: The reality of sci-fi's AI immortality obsession

" Are Hosts, Replicants, and robot clones closer than we think? Jayson Greene, The Ringer Black Mirror already uncomfortably aligns with the real world, but we might be even closer to more advanced concepts from that show and others, like Westworld..."


The Morning After: Weekend Edition

" The Morning After: Weekend Edition engadget.com"



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