Net Neutrality, TOP 10 Big Government FUCKOVERS

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

#10) Police Storm Troopers who act as though they are ABOVE THE LAW. (They are above us for sure.)
police stormtroopers.jpg
How can they work FOR YOU and at the same time TAKE YOU HOSTAGE AGAINST YOUR WILL when no one or no property was harmed. They cannot under common law, so they changed the rules and made us believe we are SUPPOSED to LIVE under CIVIL Law, more on this much further down....

9) Obama Care taking more and giving you LESS EVERY DAY. (tell me when you think I am wrong here)

8) Endless War that YOU and I IMORRALLY PAY for through taxes which DIRECTLY SUPPORTS the government in the KILLING of babies and women and kids and cats lots of cats, and plainly AGAINST the constitution (the real one-more on that closer to #1)

7)Main Stream Media (MSM) Lying their ASSES OFF!! to zombiefied overworked americans who do not even understand they are being played by the GOVERNMENT (andson cooper cia???) MSM are OWNED by the CORPORATIONS and the "OWN" these congress critters too, these congress critters like to claim they work for us lololol , meanwhile they USE YOUR MONEY to pay the scum on TV to LIE to YOU!
anderson cooper cia.jpg

6) Illegal Taxes,
think about this LOGICALLY, how can you be "FREE" if you KNOW that if you do not pay the "gang with the guns" you gonna go to jail? (this may not be true- there are many who have not paid the extortion "tax" for over 20 years LEGALLY)

5) Net Neutrality- One more piece in the plan to CONTROL every single aspect of OUR PRIVATE LIVES
net neutrality.jpg and we pay for this WHY? And when do YOU learn that "THEY" NEVER LISTEN because "THEY " don't have too, "THEY" are above you and I, in fact the court system is set up that way which leads us to lead into #4


  • You ever go to court? Does it feel like the system was designed for your benefit? Case CLOSED. Just one more scam for the slaves, read on if you want to discover a shocking truth that MOST americans are bilssfully unaware of, just as I was a short time ago. When you eneter most municipal courts the government FRAUDULANTLY makes you think you have rights, but MORE than likely you do NOT have ANY RIGHTS if you are standing in the MAJORITY of civil courts in the U.S. How? Look at the Flag- if it has a gold fringe than you do not have any rights. The fringe is a "military designation for admiral law", and under that law system you have privleges and the Judge has COMPLETE RULE OVER YOU. How thats for you to investigate..

3) Federal Reserve. It is super ugly.

kennedy federal reserve.jpg
The truth is your dollars are printed at will, the government runs an INSANE DEFICIT in perpetuity and you work to make peanuts relatively. They DEVALUE (STEAL) our value from us DAILY. We were taught at the “indoctrination centers” to believe taxes are a part of being a good ‘ole merican, fortunately the REAL U.S. constitution proves we WERE BORN FREEMEN, if you pay 20% taxes and work five eight hour days then you work one day for “free” for your MASTERS. This is also known as SLAVERY.

2) The United States went BANKRUPT

shortly after the American revolution, so get this, they set up a new company called THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ALL caps is the difference, just like you have all caps on your birth certificate and on your drivers license, the reason they do this is it refers back to your BIRTH CERTIFICATE which you will NOT BELIEVE ME SO CHECK THIS SHIT OUT YOURSELF WAS FREAKING SOLD. YES, when your parents have your birth certificate signed they officially enter you in the books as “DEAD”, therefore they crete a “NEW” you designated with ALL CAPITAL LETTERS!!! HAHA Please look this stuff up yourself, it is scary and real!

1) The #1 ALL TIME biggest piece of government FAKERY and DECEPTION is the deliberate HIDING of the FACT we LIVE on a FLAT EARTH. WHY? They are hiding GOD from us.

flat earth.jpg

I was an HARDCORE ATHEIST until may of this year. When I investigated flat earth I realized why I was wrong about so many things and that has made so many things make so much more sense to me now lol. YES, when you realize God WILL judge you, YOU realize you better live RIGHT,and if we all lived RIGHT no one would be looking for someone to LORD over them who isn’t their FATHER! PEACE and LOVE to all. (the holohoax should have been like 3 or 4 maybe but I didn’t want to lose you till here. Please comment, I love to debate and am plenty aware I could be wrong!!

We need to care MORE about one another, LOVE each other as brothers and sisters! Please comment and LEARN YOUR RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!


Twitter just shut me down for 12 hours lol for spamming my story on their shitty censor ridden platform.

#1 should be the digital money industry! Just kidding! Good writing, add the tag #fn to your stories so I can see them more!


HAHA thats is SOOOO funny . Thanks for the compliment and I added the tag, I will look up what it means. i am guessing fake news lol. ok thats fine let them think that common sense is fake.

He got shot in the stomach first thats what this picture is of. It was his driver this is the part that continues to be redacted, look where he is looking in this frame about 5 frames before his head exploded, also the right side of the image has the gun smoke edited out.

No, I am 99.9% positive that the ENTIRE zapruder film was COMPROMISED lol. They got to the ORIGINAL BEFORE anyone and that is assuming it was real. Are you up on hoaxes? I aam gonna sound nuts if you are not, but Boston Bombing, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas Shooting- HOAXES pretty much all of them are, so it makes me think the likelyhood kennedy is also very likely. There are quite a few things that mak it possible, but the other ones I listed I am like 99.99%. I KNOW it sounds NUTS.
The Boston Unbombing in youtube is 3 hour long break down of fakery. CRAZY.

Hoax propaganda is spread to diminish the psychologic severity of an attack, no I don't believe they were fake people wtf

R.I.P. vegasrip.jpg

Alright. Turn off ALL your EMOTION if you can and LOOK at THAT PHOTO. I am glad you picked it out. LOOK at the BLOOD lines that happen to run PERFECTLY in nice DRAMATC EVEN lines down her legs. When the people were being shot it went on for A WHILE, and the people "CLAIMED" to be helping try and save people so my QUESTION is this NOT a SIGLE person checked on this girl, rolled her over, tried to save her, which would have smudged the blood. BUT THAT IS NOT ALL, How was she shot and the blood bled in that fashion? If she was standing the blood would have run down a little or smudged when she dropped. Look at all the debris, highly unusual behavior for a LARGLEY adult crowd. Look at the supposed injured and see how many are MILITARY, First Responders, Police or related to some one who is, its almost ALL of them if not.

the photo is DRAMATIC and MADE to be that WAY, WHO is the CREEPO that was "ALLOWED" to take the photo????? Tons more, watch some youtube hoax vids , I can recommend some if you like, but there is evidence that is crazy if youu will look with an OPEN mind. Condemnation before investigation is the highest form of Ignorance, I was a COMPLETE IGNORANT FOOL for 45 years, I thought I had all the answers, when I heard this stuff it sounded NUTs now people who CANNOT SEE IT seem NUTS to me!

This is your world too, you are alive, every second of life is equally valuable.

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