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RE: "Mind Controlled Weapons Are Here" - 'The Matrix' & 'The Terminator' Were Documentaries. You Are Going To be Forced To Choose Very Soon If You Want To Live. Hopi Prophecy.

in #technology5 years ago

We are multi-dimensional, yes - we need to be aware on all levels to know what we are facing here. Unfortunately, most are going to trade their eternal being for a few years of watching 'reality TV'. :/


Yes, and it's hard to stop or to even realize that one has to stop...
I myself was an addict of various series in the past. I could spend an entire night binge-watching episodes of a favorite show just for entertainment. They weren't stupid, no, it was stuff like "Doctor Who" or the X-files... But it took me lots of effort to realize that real life is more interesting and important than any show, even a very good one. And the scary thing is that the time we spend doing whatever we do will NEVER come back. So using time wisely is essential

Moving and listening inwardly is what is most needed now and is being heavily denied by the collective obsession with external reality, flashing lights and shiny things. I am glad you were able to reclaim your own intent there! <3

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