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RE: Facebook Proven To Censor For Political Reasons? Plus, Looking at Dissenter - The New Way to Comment on Censored Pages/Networks.

in #technology5 years ago

I have watched that documentary and spoken with it's creator. I have studied this topic a great deal. While it is true that the 'allied' version of events wasn't 100% factual - it is also true that Hitler was fundamentally deranged.


Could you be more specific about this "derangement" or point me to some sources where I might learn about this please.

If you remove the issues that are contested about Hitler regarding his intentions with the many SLAVE camps the Nazis constructed and just focus on what is a clear matter of historical record - there is still a huge array of evidence of him holding psychotic beliefs. The entire concept of racial purity that is so well documented from Nazi Germany is based upon the idea of a hierarchy of the 'quality' of people, with basically lighter skinned people being the 'best' and darker skin being the 'worst'. Besides this being completely illogical and containing massive denials as to what exactly constitutes 'best' - it is also entirely heartless and they used it as the basis for passing laws to effectively turn those below a cutoff point into sub human non citizens. If you don't see a problem with this then I'm not really sure what to say, except that I suggest you re-assess your personal values. If you think that really Hitler has been mis-represented and he only intended to target jews due to their alleged conspiratorial nature and them posing a threat - then maybe notice that he really didn't just target them and in fact also targeted those with dark skin, the disabled and others too. It's pretty clear they were trying to 'ethnically cleanse' Germany and had intent to continue on into the rest of the world. I'd say that's fairly deranged.

Well I would agree that if that's the way he was and/or that's what he was doing the he would be pretty deranged.
I've studied this issue very thoroughly and I've also been around the Internet a long time. since the beginning in fact.
Apart from seeing the above accusations being thrown around here and there ad nausium I have yet to see a single piece of evidence to back them up. In fact from the evidence I've seen these accusations would fly in the face of reality.
For one thing he had regiments of all different nationalities and colour including Jews in his army. He made no distinction between people other than that they were Germans, the people whom he loved, who he took out of a terrible depression and brought to great prosperity despite having to constantly battle those forces who had put Germany into that depression and wanted to keep it that way.
During the war (which was forced on him) he set up prison/work camps as most countries do during a major war. Just like they put all the Japanese in prison camps in the US.
"It's pretty clear they were trying to 'ethnically cleanse' Germany and had intent to continue on into the rest of the world."
I can't find any evidence for that at all.
He did want to get rid of the Jews, not because he hated them but because he saw them as a serious security threat which they had already proved themselves to be.
He worked along with the Zionists to arrange to repatriate them to Palestine, and he paid to have the shipped there along with all their money and possessions.
He even had a coin minted to celebrate it with the swastika on one side and the star of David on the other.
Also I haven't seen any evidence that he had any desire or intention of trying to take over the World or anything like it.
So I still don't know where you got all this stuff like "Nazi Germany is based upon the idea of a hierarchy of the 'quality' of people, with basically lighter skinned people being the 'best' and darker skin being the 'worst'"
Where exactly did you get that?


So you pulled it out of "you know where".!
In which case it behoves you to apologise for publicly defaming Hitler and the German people who died trying to save themselves and us from the Red Terror.

It's unfortunate, but if they'd managed to stop the Red Terror we wouldn't be facing the perils we are today.

I did not see the notification of your previous reply until now, so I have not had time to reply. I will reply here once I have time to fill in the answers in detail.

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