A News Morsel - Browser Mining Ban, Space Junk

in #technology6 years ago (edited)

A Motivational Monday

Just a quick side note here at the beginning, I've seen a lot of positive messages in my feed today on Steemit and DTube. You guys are doing a great thing for people, so keep up the cheerful encouragement!

Whack a Mole

Google has banned, effective today, all Chrome extensions which mine cryptocurrency from the Web Store. The reality is that it's not a huge policy change, as they were already rejecting mining extensions that hid their intentions and didn't clearly inform the user that the mining was happening. It turns out that was something like 90% of the extensions which did mining. Hopefully this will make the world a bit better, if it makes it easier to block or filter bad actors doing bad things. It does seem, however, that this change mostly targets people who want to do in-browser mining. The hidden subtext, which this article speculates about, and which makes perfect sense to me, is that the perception of Chrome's performance can be negatively impacted by extensions. The basic premise is that Chrome ends up being blamed for performance problems that were caused by a third-party, and it's unlikely that most users would be able to tell the difference. I see two other things here.
1. You can still load an extension if you want to. You just can't get it from the store.
2. The article does explore this a bit, but this does not mean that clever people with bad intentions can't get around the block. They will just need to be more clever.

That is a little bit of browser technology being sort of fixed, now for a story of some space technology being sort of broken by design.

Down to Earth

You've probably already seen this one, but in case you hadn't heard, a space station crashed into the ocean yesterday. Not an April fools joke, this one was real. We've known it was coming for quite a while. The Chineese government notified the UN about their loss of communication and control over this ~19,000 lb orbiting projectile back in 2016. We have know about this for quite a while, and nobody really knew where it was going to hit. Even yesterday afternoon, the predictions got it down to a three to four hour window which means that something like 51,00 - 68,000 miles of earth was within the margin of error. Fortunately for humans, there is a lot of ocean on our planet and the thing landed in one. Presumably, if the numbers showed it as likely to hit on solid ground, there would have been some warning. At least a number of minutes, possibly hours. To do what? I'm not sure. Watch the sky and worry, I guess. Maybe it's just me, but someone should probably figure out a better system than this for decommissioning space junk.

Puppets Everywhere

You may not have had a chance yet to check out The Puppet Patch here on DTube. I have, and I've found it entertaining. If you like adult-swim style edginess, it's definitely worth your time.

And with that, I'm out for today. See you next time...

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It's interesting with google banning crypto ads , and now mining extensions, what direction will take .They did add descriptions for cryptos into the website, so that was positive.

Yeah, I still have a real mental hurdle with anything Google. They have been such a disruptor and innovator that it's difficult for me to view them primarily in the big traditional business protecting its turf role that they play now.

Let's stay motivated :)

That's always the challenge, finding it within yourself to make the future that you want to see. It helps to have the right people around you and to appreciate and work for the benefit of others. I am very grateful for everyone who brightens my day with encouraging words. It always makes me want to do the same. I guess that's how love spreads.

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