There will be no new Martians without genetic modification

In a dozen or so years, humanity should begin to colonize the Red Planet. Then one of our eternal dreams of conquering an alien planet will be fulfilled. Some time ago, scientists from NASA published a scientific article in which they talked about the risks associated with flights to Mars.

This is a cosmic radiation and microgravity that are dangerous for living organisms. They will have a degrading effect on astronauts not only while traveling to this planet, but also directly on its surface.

Now it turns out that it is very likely that real Martians may not be born in the first colonies. Researchers from the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, published an article in the Futures magazine.

In it, they inform that cosmic rays will have an adverse effect on sperm, egg cells and embryos. Even if fertilization occurs, there is little chance that the pregnancy will be normal and a healthy Martian will be born.


Researchers suggest here a serious interest in gene modification technologies, and more precisely the benefits of the CRISPR-Cas9 method and its successors. With their help and in vitro methods, we will be able to improve both astronomers' genomes to minimize the effects of distant space travel, as well as their future descendants inhabiting Mars permanently.

Interestingly, NASA scientists also think about the use of technology developed by scientists from Australia. It's about the so-called elixir of youth, the precursor of NAD + (NMN), which causes the rejuvenation of cells in living organisms. The tests on mice have been successful, so clinical trials on humans will be carried out this year.

The subject seems to be controversial. After all, the first colonizers of an alien planet can become "new, improved people" at the same time, so as not to use the word "supermen". As a result, new social problems will arise which may even lead to a conflict between the Earth and Mars.

However, the future of human development, its change to cosmic civilization and the associated attempts to ensure its security against cosmic threats, are a supreme value, so whether we like it or not, and in this case the goal is to sanctify the means. And very well.

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