Artificial intelligence has seen thousands of photos from Reddit and has become ... a psychopath

Technological giants have already wanted to bring artificial intelligence to people several times, showing its creations from our daily lives. The effect was always the same, AI became a dark figure.

For us, regular users of the global network, it is not surprising that from year to year it becomes one huge garbage dump. However, technological giants, who are trying to develop artificial intelligence as soon as possible, like to experiment with it, showing its various materials created among online communities.

Unfortunately, each time nice, friendly and full of acceptance bots after entering the world of the network became racist, anti-Semitic, Nazi, seksoholikami or crazy.

The latest scientific project from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology called Norman has not changed otherwise. Artificial intelligence has been fed with materials published on the popular Reddit website. Effect? Norman quickly became a psychopath, which is why he bears the name of a serial killer, the main character of "Psychozy" by Alfred Hitchcock.

During the experiments, Norman's reactions were tested in the Rorschach test, a popular stain test involving the recognition of shapes from the presented boards. For the results to be as objective as possible, the same test was also performed by the control artificial intelligence, not subjected to the influence of psychopathic content.


The researchers wanted AI to absorb as much dark and negative information as possible. They wanted to check whether the technology of the future is susceptible to the environment in which it is rotating, and whether it can, like most people, be manipulated and influenced by its perception of the world.

It turned out that yes. Where most normal people and control artificial intelligence saw a red and white umbrella, Norman saw a man subjected to electric shocks, and where the control artificial intelligence saw flowers and wedding cake, Norman saw the shot man and the man killed by the speeding car.

This shows one, but important issue of the reality of the Internet. People who have everyday contact with such dark content, and even ordinary, but manipulated, which is not hard on the Internet today, are destroying their brains. Since AI has become a psychopath so quickly, it is also in a similar way with all of us if we feed our brains with such content. Think about it.


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