AI will become the Minister of Foreign Affairs in China

Recently, Asians have begun to trust artificial intelligence and hope for a better quality of life. She is invigilating them every day, and now she has even entered the hermetic world of politics.

Recently, a 7-year-old boy in Tokyo, who was a computer-generated digital bot, received the right of permanent residence. This news may come as a surprise, but an even more crazed action was made a few weeks later, where residents of the capital of Japan could choose democratically elected first mayor in the world as a robot equipped with artificial intelligence.

Now the Chinese government came out with similar ideas. He wants to take advantage of the power of artificial intelligence and use it in international politics. It would become a digital equivalent of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and help him and his team to make more effective decisions free from fear, emotions and moral fears.

As advanced neural networks, in combination with supercomputers, can process and analyze large amounts of data much more efficiently, with their help you can develop a more objective and much more effective and more beneficial to the Middle international strategy.

Of course, both the government and scientists from the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, who are responsible for implementing the project, are of the opinion that the final decision will always be taken by politicians, but the role and help of artificial intelligence technology is to be invaluable in this.


"Artificial intelligence systems can use scientific and technological power to read and analyze data in a way that people can not match. AI systems will not even take into account moral factors that run counter to strategic goals, "said Dr. Feng Shuai, a member of the research project.

Of course, such ideas arouse a lot of controversy and fears about the deterioration of international relations, which are already strongly strained between the largest powers of this world. However, if we look at this issue through the prism of such algorithm AlphaGo, or AI created as part of DeepMind by Google, we can rather be calm about the practicality and skills of finding AI in the world of politics.

Recall that AlphaGo defeated both world champions in the game of Go, an ancient Chinese board game of 3,000 years, which combines strategic and tactical elements in a beautiful and intricate way, and requires players to demonstrate intelligence and cunning, which is what AI she will deal with the government in China every day.

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