Introduction to me and why I am here.

in #technology7 years ago

Like my name suggests I am a nerd who is into Technology. I have been into Science Fiction since I was a young kid. Battle Star Galactica and Star Wars and many others stimulated an often times over active and hyper mind. I love to learn and have always been very inquisitive and intuitive. I like to go deeply into whatever interests me like technology, meditation, science, nutrition, spirituality, politics, etc.

I would like to post about technology, politics, and some other random sometimes spiritual things. Nothing to preach but simply trends I see in society that I feel are either positive and beneficial or negative and destructive. I try to focus on the positive but bring awareness to all issues.

I have a new youtube channel Techtalk in which I review various gadgets. It is basically an experiment and hobby at this point but I hope to gain some experience and move in a direction. I am torn between two subjects at the moment. One is nutrition and the other is computers. How do I make a living as a health coach? How do I make a living with the technical knowledge that I have but serious lack of any job experience in the field or official training. All of my technical knowledge has been self taught and in some ways I am very advanced but in others like a baby because of a lack of proper training. Add to it that due to health issues and caring for a sick parent I have been out of work for several years and am in my mid forties. Not exactly prime hiring material if you are not an expert in your field by now. So I am trying to find alternative ways to earn an income. Why not use my knowledge to help others freely? If I can share my knowledge with others it can help them and if I can get paid by doing so then I am helped as well. A win, win. I am looking to build as many mutually beneficial alternative income streams as possible all while doing something that hopefully adds some value to others lives.

I know this has been a rambling introduction but as I proceed I will refine and distill what I want this experience to be for myself and others. Until then I want to say thank you for reading thus far! Thank you to steemit for this interesting idea and hopefully it can become something of the future where business throws away the old profit model of exploitation and moves to a more evolved model of mutually beneficial transactions. Once people realize they can still do business and earn a good living and not need to profit off of others and feel the tangible reward of shifting focus form a self centered perspective to a more mutually beneficial perspective. We can create win, win scenario's in all business and government actions we take. First though it takes people to do things differently like this platform which is why I am here and hopefully so are you!

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