BotNet - A Shady Technique Of Hacking | Spreading Malicious Content | How To Secure Ourselves From It

in #technology7 years ago

Internet is a boon for many but it also has some downsides indeed which can hurt you and your computer to varying degree of lengths. Ever heard of malware and computer viruses? Of course, you must have heard about it. Internet and malwares are inseparable. Malwares are the malicious programs which can affect your computer system crucially and even hack them to get some illegal stuff done.

Malwares can be spread through various methods. One of them is Botnet.
Bot is a short form of Robot. You must be pretty aware of the word 'bot' if you use steemit regularly. Bots are the computer programs which are designed to perform a specific task. For example, on steemit Bots are used for upvoting, auto commenting, auto flagging and also for downvoting.
In the same way, Bots are created by computer programmers and developers to perform a specific task on the internet. But sometimes, people intentions become shady and they use bots for spreading malware and for hacking purpose.

What is Botnet?

Botnet is a group of Bots which are programmed to do hacking and spreading malware content to various devices connected to the internet.
Basically, its when automated program spread across a network of computers which are controlled through a server.
Generally, Individual bots are fairly weak programs but a group of individual bots can be whole lot of powerful and damaging.

What Purpose Do Botnet Serves?

Botnet can be used for the variety of purposes like hacking a computer network and use their details for spamming other networks, shutting down a whole website by giving overwhelming responses to its servers, stealing important passwords and spreading spam over a group of computer networks. Botnets are a very cheap and somewhat effective way to perform bad deeds and hacking into something illegal. Botnet technique is so powerful that it can even slow down a major website which is used by almost everyone on a daily basis. For example, social media platforms or some news websites. Sometime internet banking websites got slow down by botnet despite using SSL and other major security protocols.

Powerful Botnets can control thousands of computer networks and drives their combined traffic to do anything shady or illegal.

What Can We Do To Secure Our Computer Networks From Botnet?

Botnets are indeed cyber threats and we need a variety of applications and techniques to get rid of them or keeping them at bay.

Use Comprehensive Security Solution

There are many security solutions available in the market, they are famous by the name of Anti-virus. But they are available in specific types and also the comprehensive ones which can perform all the security solutions single handedly. Install one of these in your computer and be safe while simply browsing the internet or working on a crucial project like money transfer or doing online payments.

There are so many brands which provides the comprehensive Security Solutions at cheap cost and high effective rate. Some of them are: Kaspersky, Macfee, Quick Heal and Norton.

Having Caution While Browsing The Websites

Always have caution when you're accessing some malicious website or some websites whose link you found in a spam comment or email. Because these links can be a trap to hack your computer network and make you a victim to the Botnet programmes. If possible, try to avoid shady websites.

Keep Your Operating System & Anti Virus Updated

Obsolete applications become ineffective to perform their tasks. When it comes to operating system, it must be updated as soon as it receives the updates. Outdated softwares and applications are more prone to Botnet attack and malicious virus spread. Use the full version Antivirus or comprehensive Security solutions and keep them updated so that you don't need to worry about the security of your computer network and data.

Although there are many other solutions available out there but what I have discussed are pretty standard and anyone can do it effectively.

The best way to ensure your security on Internet is not to indulge in dark content and malicious websites while keeping your applications and softwares updated.

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