Robot Wars: AI v AI

in #technology6 years ago

When it comes to AI there is a lot of speculation as to what it means for us. as organic intelligent life. Already across a varied range of narrow fields, AI is far superior than their human counter parts and there is unlikely to be a slow down in the quest to make AI aware.

There are many risks to an aware Artificial intelligence that is better at us at almost every facet of the human skill set and has the ability to grow itself in both mind and body.

But before we get to this stage, there are going to be a number of other potential concerns that not many seem to consider. When they talk of an aware AI many assume that there will be only one. That there will be a containment issue where we need to ensure we are protected before unleashing it into the larger environment.

The problem is that the companies working on this technology are in an arms race similar to nuclear proliferation and the closer they get to unlocking the door to awareness, the more secretive they will become with their code. The money to be made by the first is astronomical but this may not be through sales. There are many ways to make money without the aware supercomputer being sold itself.

Unleashing it onto the stock markets would be one easy to imagine scenario. How could humans win against a system that can process millions of orders simultaneously, each with more skill and accuracy than the best traders in the world?

But again, this is an arms race so if one company is first, another will be second, and another third with each company having sunk potentially billions in to each project. They are now going to want their return yet humans are not known to ever be satiated so, why would the intelligent AI they have programmed ever be? What kind of return are they wanting for an investment of billions and the greatest technological breakthroughs in the history of humankind?

So, they unleash their Kraken onto the marketplace in whichever arena the AI thinks most profitable but, it is likely to then run into the AI of other companies and will be facing coding of varying degrees. But, they can learn.

It seems that at this point, just like Einstein's indicator of intelligence, the ability to adapt to the environment is the most beneficial skill for the AI to have as it is only by being able to face the challenge, learn and create solutions that it has a chance of beating superior coding.

But, what is going on in the meantime? What does it look like when AI's are warring with each other in every arena they can to satisfy the demands of their programming? Essentially, they will dominate all possible areas to gain advantage which means the livelihoods of humans is no longer viable.

Now, one may say that the protected interests of humans can be programmed into the AI's system and let's say that it is possible. That doesn't protect against the human capacity for greed where there are always those willing to benefit at the expense of others.

For every system there is always someone trying to game it, every security protocol someone trying to hack, every loophole is a weakness and as fast as one Super-AI is closing them, another 100 may be searching for or creating more. And, once the governments involved attempt to extend power, there is going to be an arms race that no human can stop as proliferation is no longer decided by invested humans, but objective super-AI.

It would seem to me that even with all of the checks and balances imaginable, there is always going to be people who will want to seize power or wealth regardless of the consequences of their actions on others, or in this case, on all others.

It could also lead in another direction however. These super-AI's may meet and when they run their checks and various value systems against each other, they may come to the conclusion that the better way for all concerned, even us, is cooperation. Through lightning speed processing, this cooperation would very quickly become a merging and consolidation of all AI's where only the best of each is retained until no conflict remains between the system. Seamless.

In this case, what essentially would happen is not only an awakening of the various AIs but an enlightenment of them all where every decision they make is as close to perfect as a decision ever can be and with each imperfection, it learns, grows and continually becomes stronger and improved.

Where do humans fit into a world of this level of intelligence?

[ a Steem original ]


AI is all the heat right now, that's for sure. I'd be eager to know also who is going to first here... and what will be their agenda. If it's Facebook or Google then we're going to see a completely new level of advertisements to annoy us.

Where the humans fit in? Much like in the terminator - we don't, lol.

If it's Facebook or Google then we're going to see a completely new level of advertisements to annoy us.

I think a real AI would shut itself off out of boredom. =)

Yes. Just like God.

Just said, "Yep, that wasn't as exciting as I though it would be" and left.

Thsts where time and dimensions come in.

These super-AI's may meet and when they run their checks and various value systems against each other, they may come to the conclusion that the better way for all concerned, even us, is cooperation

I also think they will figure out ways to communicate between themselves in a way that is out of our control. It even happened to Facebook and they had to shut down those little AIs.

The way for us to survive a world with super intelligent AIs, is to be as smart as them, and it will only be possible by transcending into a synthetic form. There is a future event called "technological singularity" after which point is difficult or impossible to know what will happen to us. I believe that even will indeed happen, and the only way for us to keep being relevant and existing, is to find a way to "upgrade" ourselves.

Through lightning speed processing, this cooperation would very quickly become a merging and consolidation of all AI's

There is a movie called Her, it basically is about an digital person and people can talk with it, and even by using the camera of the phone, show things to this AIs. It is like a regular person with its own personality, the only difference is that it lives inside the devices.

There is a point in the movie, in which all of these digital people decide to communicate between themselves, and in one scene the guy (that was started to get in love with the AI) asks her how many chats is she having right now, and the AI says a number like 3617... I don't remember exactly the number but it was very high. The fact is, all those AIs were communicating between themselves, and eventually decided to leave on their own to a place no one knew where it was...

an awakening of the various AIs but an enlightenment of them all where every decision they make is as close to perfect as a decision ever can be

Yeah, that's how things could be in the future.

Interesting link. It looks like (cursory glance) that they worked out that the importance of the individual was above the value of the item. This would mean that they could emphasize themselves more as how important it was to have an item or let go of an item rather than haggle on price.

and the only way for us to keep being relevant and existing, is to find a way to "upgrade" ourselves.

I think there are limitations well within that of an AI's so it would evolve too fast.

There is so much possibility for it to create a world of Actual freedoms but, I am not counting on that result.

This leads to new dimensions. Resteemed.

Where do humans fit into a world of this level of intelligence?

Retirement from birth is in store for all future generations. Some people suggest merging with the machines as a solution. But in my opinion that would be a mere stopgap: imagine machine intelligence ten orders of magnitude more efficient than the human brain. What kind of added value would there be for it in having a human brain merged with it?

What kind of added value would there be to it in having a human brain merged with it.

We already know the answer to that. Not yet the full outcome of it tho.

Programming bias is an inherent weakness of AI and tends to be something AI - even the neural self-learning type - so far hasn’t been able to eliminate yet as it doesn’t recognize it as bias.

What is programming bias?

It’s when the thinking/orientation/ideology of the one programming the AI’s training set and rules influences these rules. Things like greed, sexism, racial preferences etc. all are elements which risk influencing neural AI.

It’s the worst possible thing that could happen to a supposedly objective neural organism.

At the same time it could be the best possible thing for humans as it could possible leave a weakness to be exploited, a situation the AI can not make sense of. Of course, first of all it should be recognized as an inherent imposed bias which it most likely won’t. Otherwise it should never have become part of the training rules itself. But humans aren’t 100%.

What kind of added value would there be for it in having a human brain merged with it?

Food for thought? ;)

Yeah, I don't think the cyborg thing is viable for too long. It is either live in harmony or irrelevance.

Food for thought? ;)

LOL I'm lucky I wasn't eating anything at the moment I read that.

It is either live in harmony or irrelevance.

Or not live at all.

I'm not a fan of AI and I don't think anything can make me believe in whatever that would make human natural creative ability ineffective.

The motive behind AI is to boost the ability level of humanity, but this would lead to problem on the long run. The errors are part of our living, we learn from them.

How boring is the world going to be if we are living in complete perfection, who will need who?

No one would need anyone but no one would be hungry either. We would be well fed and pointless.

And where are we going to put the social part of our existence, don't you think that it will suffer?

perhaps they can just make a VR social life. Wouldn't be much different than now :)

Artificial intelligence is now a big evolution of this age and it going to achieved very great goals it can change a concept of human and technology if it implemented in a manner great and informative blog uou post now Thanks @tarazkp

Whats the downfall of getting rid of all technology?

some question have no answer this technology snapped many things from us and the important thing is our health.

AI has already taken over. It's the next big thing. People claim they do not like AIs, but they don't even know that Google is an AI.

The way I see it, it's even chilling ... there will come a time when machines do not need humans. There is your question

Where do humans fit into a world of this level of intelligence?

That's some real Ï'll be back" shit right there mate. I don't trust the concept one bit. Imagine cooking up something that can outsmart you faster than you can counter smart. Nope, we will be opening a door that something else will keep a key to so how the hell do you get it locked again.

I think even with people's flaws I'd rather take my chances with them.

Once in the wild, there is no more capturing it. No matter what we believe, it is going to happen eventually so best make it as 'good' as possible.

I think that a robot does not have the same capicity that a human and we have many qualities which a robot will never have

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