
Exactly sir simms50, that's why I thought that bowl was so funny! Oh, I forgot to put in there that Freddy destroyed 23 couches! lol...I think I'll go edit and put that in.

Nah, he'd be sleeping in the bathroom if he destroyed my couch. My dog is bad enough, I have to put the grand kids toys on the couch to keep him off it, if I forget he never misses on the opportunity. I've never been that funny when it came to any dog I owned sleeping on the couch, mainly because I always keep it covered but he sheds eternally. I bet I could make a human wig every couple weeks from what he sheds. Never had a dog that sheds like that. I really miss not being able to take him for long walks to parks other than the one across the street because even if I put a blanket across the back seat hairs will always manage to slip from it a bit and his hair like wove's itself into the fabric and it takes me forever to get it out. Not to mention if he doesn't keep his butt in the backseat like he's suppose to and jumps into the front, I could stop for a couple minutes somewhere and come back to complete mess.

ps: let me know when they come out with a shock

I've never heard of a dog shedding that much either sunlit7, what kind is he?

He's a yellow lab mix. He has Myopathy which is the dog version of Muscular Dystrophy. Maybe that stresses out his system, I really don't know but they do say animals do tend to shed more when they are stressed. He doesn't act like he's stressed, he's spoiled rotten. I wasn't going to get another dog after my last dog of fourteen years died but I started reading about all the homeless dogs in Detroit, some forming packs roaming the streets so I thought if I could help another dog I would. I spent six months roaming shelters here and in local cities when I ran across him at a local shelter. He had been passed from several shelters in an attempt to find him a home. He had a double whammy as he also had heartworm but they didn't want to go through the expense of treating it unless they found him a home as they'd also have to transport him to another vet in another city to have it treated. It's rare in labs and both parents have to carry the gene. Only labs and one other type of dog usually contract Myopathy, most of them out grow it but sometimes it can cause deformities in the joints. He has one foot that kicks off to the side so it looks like he sits on the joint of the leg. He gets around great though, just like any other dog and he's as strong as an ox, he's showing no signs of slowing down as they told me dogs inflicted usually don't live past seven years and he's seven now, I got him when he was two years old back in 2014. The only really annoying thing he does is regurgitate his food, I have to be careful to only give him about a cup or so at a time and the water bowl sits in another location so he's not tempted to drink and eat at the same time. That seems to work better than elevating his dish which someone said I should try. It's always this really slimy, slimy regurgitation to. I don't think he had it to good where ever he came from because he's not one to wonder, he's slipped his collar a couple times and he doesn't tend to leave the yard, he may wonder next door but then he will run right back to his chair on the back porch. his is a deep seated round outdoor lounge chair that became his after it was brought home, as in "thank you, that was so kind of you to buy me a chair". Probably because of his regurgitation and the fact he had heartworm that he spent a lot of time being chained up outside where ever he came from as he also loves to chew on sticks and he has a fondness for bread, as in maybe the people he lived with threw bread out to the birds. If you leave the bread sitting near the end of the table he will bring you the loaf....or so it may appear, it could just be he was trying to be slick and carry away the whole loaf. You can't put anything beyond him in that regard as one time when my brother was staying with me he accused me for days of taking his jelly beans. I don't even particularly like jelly beans. About four days later we were sitting watching tv and we hear this raffling sound of paper. My brother ask me what does he have now and I told him probably your jelly beans. He did. Had them tucked away between his dog bed and the wall. You could brush him everyday and get the same amount of hair each time, it really does amaze me. Every week I sweep down the steps I get at least a good cereal bowl size clump of hair. Scratch his back and rub your hand around and it doesn't even take a minute to come up with a good clump. I've never had a dog that shed like that, my dalmatian would shed somewhat year round but nothing in comparison plus her hair was shorter and didn't lodge into fabric.


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