My raspberry pi project

So, recently I purchased a raspberry pi 3 and I have been trying to think of what to use it for. For those of you that don't know what a raspberry pi is, I highly encourage you to look it up, it's basically a mini computer that you can do almost anything with and it's totally bad ass.
**here is a picture of the raspberry pi unit **

So anyway, today I was scrolling through some project ideas using the raspberry pi and I came across something that really caught my eye.
The popular nickname is magic mirror, and it is essentially a smart mirror that runs off of a raspberry pi. So, I did a little research into how to make it and it turns out its really not that difficult. I am currently trying to save a little money for the few pieces I lack, but for the most part I have everything I need to begin working on this project.
In the next few weeks I plan to put it all together and when I do I will write an article on how to do it and post several pictures of it. For now however I can only voice my excitement about this upcoming project. Here are a couple more pictures of these so called magic mirrors.

So anyway, that's it guys. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post, wish me luck on this project!

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