The Top 5 Most Disruptive Technologies of The Next Decade

in #technology7 years ago


“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― R. Buckminster Fuller

In my opinion, nothing can better describe how technology works than that quote. How many times have we experienced the world around us change and then change again? Too many times to remember.

Technology is a disrupting force that is evolving and moving forward faster than ever. If we look at it in the timescale of decades, then the next decade is going to bring us at least 2 or maybe even 3 decades worth of progress. It’s really interesting times to be alive right now.

Today, I want to talk about 5 technologies that are going to be really revolutionary in the next 10 years and will have a huge impact on our lives and society.

1. Wireless Charging


Ever since we started carrying smartphones, we have gotten into this habit of charging them frequently. Initially it was only the smartphones that we had to charge and that was fine.

Then came the tablets and now the smartwatches. Add to the mix your laptops and other portables and it quickly becomes a mess where you have to charge every single one of your device and there aren’t enough power outlets left in the house!

Well, not for long. Almost all the major tech companies are working on long distance wireless charging where charging your gadgets would be as simple as using the internet via wifi. Just roam around the house and your devices will stay charged! What a relief that would be, wouldn’t it? We wouldn’t even need to worry about the battery life anymore. Also, it will enable another tech that is my next point of discussion.

2. Internet of Things


Internet of Things or IoT is something that has been in the talks for quite a while now and it’s only starting this year that we are really seeing them take off.

Basically internet of things is just as it sounds. It’s the everyday objects being embedded with computing abilities that let them send and receive data. If we take an example of future homes, it means that your thermostat, toaster, washing machine, fridge and other ‘things’ will all be interconnected and will be able to be operated remotely. Google and Apple have started offering this just recently.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s applications are far-reaching, including in the field of manufacturing, energy management, transportation, agriculture, media and a lot more. This will be so cutting edge that it will need an entirely new wireless communication technology called 5G, which is also in the works right now.

3. 3D Printing


Today, printing stuff on papers is simply a no-brainer. In fact, we have even gone past that now and have started to move away from papers, making more use of screens on our various devices.

But it seems like printers will be making a comeback and this time they will be equipped with the ability of printing 3D objects. The 3D printers that are in use currently have limited functionality but in the coming decade they are about to revolutionise entire industries!

3D printing will have major implications in education, construction, manufacturing, fashion, food industry and even in medicine where we will one day be able to print organs and other body parts from the stem cells of a person.

4. AR and VR


For a long, long time now, the computing interface we have been using has involved screens and mouse pointers, or in case of touchscreen, our fingers. We are about to see a major shift in this interface in the coming decade.

AR (Augmented Reality) is a technology in which virtual objects are overlaid on the physical world and the user is able to perceive the virtual objects and interact with them through a headset or smartphone. In the future it will get much easier when smart glasses and smart contact lenses become a reality. Imagine being able to play video games where characters sprout in your living room! It has the power to revolutionise and make obsolete several industries.

VR (Virtual Reality) on the other hand is a bit different in that the user feels like he is in a different (virtual) world. There are no limits to the kind of virtual world you can create and be in. So, let’s say you want to hold a company meeting. You could attend that meeting from the comfort of your home but all of you would be together in a virtual world which could be on a beach or in a castle! I see this being used more in the gaming industry.

5. Self Driving Cars


Self driving cars are here and they are already changing lives for the better. Personally, I had thought that we wouldn’t see a functioning autonomous car for at least 5 more years.

Tesla and other companies proved me wrong. Tesla self driving cars have already driven hundreds of millions of miles getting smarter everyday. Imagine just summoning your car from your phone or wrist and it coming to you and dropping you off without you ever having to push a button let alone a pedal.

Also, self driving cars will be interconnected on the road thanks to the internet of things and it will help prevent accidents saving human life in the process. Also, the whole traffic grid will be much more efficient as they will make optimal use of the roads, meaning that there will be almost no traffic jams, saving energy and contributing towards environmental protection.


I think that Blockchain should be in the top 5 too though :)

Another disruptive technology is probably nano technology for medical purposes. No need to do surgery anymore for many diseases. We insert a nano robot in the body and let him do the work!

Blockchain could be a futur disruptive innovation, but no such as we know it at the moment.
Today Blockain is no sustainable because it produces an endless chain of blocks and more this chain increases more the necessary energy to calculate increases, and this is no sustainable.

I Agree. The scale problems and the ever growing ledgers are issues and hopefully the progress in technology can solve they issues/ keep pace with it.

Life extension, blockchain, gene therapy, 3D printing, anything related to clean energy and clean manufacturing.

All really great ones. Unfortunately couldn't fit all of them into one post hehe

Yeah, those 2 are the top ones there. There are many more actually and I will write part 2 and 3 of this post to talk about them :)

Thanks for the nice articles and indeed there are many technologies to come and probably part of them we do not see coming due to accidental discoveries

Now days, we see lot of thing amazing and that can help people arround the world, thanks for technology

This comment has received a 0.26 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.

Yep, that we are! :)


This comment has received a 0.07 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.

You should put blockchain also. You already could 3d print organs. Check it

Yeah, blockchain will be in the next one for sure. Yes, 3D printing of organs have started but they are still not a reality for a majority of the world right now.

these things will only happen if the people allow it.


I think technology has a way of changing the world whether people like it or are ready for it or not.

I do too. The only problem is WHO is in control of this powerfull tech!!!


Self driving cars is the one that excites me the most. I heard it's happening sooner than later.

Yeah, much sooner. We're going to see a major change on the roads.

Honorable mention: Bitcoin and the blockchain??

Yeah, these will make way into the part 2 of this post. :D

Excellent article about very likely disruptive technologies!! =) personally I see very much potential in the AR technology, which could enable to dive into a complete new world without leaving our 'reality', with the power to revolutionise the way we live! :D
Moreover I think Elon Musks company SpaceX could set the beginning of a new era for us humans in the space through reusable rockets....=)

Completely agree with you on both these!

Number #1 Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies :)

Yeah, it's a big one for sure. Will be writing about it in the next one.

I think you must include
Quantum computing in this list
Because in today's world there is very need of quantum computing
well your post is good . THANKS for posting

Computing computing is definitely among the top ones. Will include it in my next Top 5

I agree with most of this list, but I think some key tech was left out.

I could see blockchain technology being highly disruptive, especially with a platform like steemit already existing. Even if steemit doesn't go mainstream, it only takes one platform that will, or one of the already mainstream platforms (Instagram, FaceBook, Snapchat) to somehow incorporate blockchain into their social platform.

And thats just talking social, not even getting into industry.

And what about something like neural link? Direct brain-computer augmentation is a very real possibility within the next decade and could completely revolutionize the way we live and the ways we learn. If we're able to enhance the 150,000 year old hardware in our heads, theres no telling what could change on all levels of our society.

Also, genetic engineering. Things like CRISPR are already revolutionary, what happens as we build on that tech? What kind of impact will being able to pre-determine a Childs traits bring? Or ones ability to change their hair, eye, or even skin color?

Still, good write up. Looking forward to more : )

Yeah, there is so much that not all of it can be included in one Top 5 post. Will definitely write part 2 and 3 of this post to include all of those.

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