Should We Give Robots The Ability To Dream?

in #technology8 years ago

It may sound downright bizarre and something beyond the scope of not only today’s technology but even of the foreseeable one but would you believe that we are actually pursuing this? 

We don’t fully understand dreams or what role they play in our lives or how exactly dreams work. All these unknowns are being worked upon by scientists all the time but many mysteries still remain. 

Therefore, it is quite natural to think that if we do not understand dreams fully ourselves, how can we even think about giving them to robots and how does one even do that, but it’s exactly what Google’s DeepMind is doing…. sort of.

Robots That Dream

Ok, so what does this mean exactly? To understand this, you need to understand a little bit about Artificial Intelligence (AI). In the simplest of terms, basically, it means giving computers the ability to think. As the words suggest, it means creating intelligence artificially. 

In the last decade or so, we have seen tremendous advancements in this field which has led to many different innovations which were just not possible before. Some examples are, driverless cars, virtual assistants on smartphones, recommendation services in apps like Spotify, Pandora, Netflix, etc. 

Granted, these are not full fledged AI, but we are getting closer and closer. And we will get there only when AI can learn and relearn on its own without any sort of human interference whatsoever and that’s were dreams come in. 

How It Works

Scientists have long thought that dreams are not meaningless (even if they seem like it) but they actually serve a purpose. Our mind is active even during sleep trying to aid our learning process during our sleep. If we are going through some problems in life, the brain actively tries to find solutions even in sleep and it is done usually in the form of bad dreams. 

The theory here is that bad dreams are brain’s attempt at preparing us for tough situations. DeepMind is using the same principles for its AI to help it learn quicker and on its own. 

Right now AI has to be fed data by a human. It can then process the data and ‘make sense of it’ like a human does but it still requires human involvement. But researchers at DeepMind want to go a few steps further by accelerating the AI’s learning rate, by giving it ‘bad dreams’ equivalent for an AI. 

We all know how AI is besting us at different games like Chess, Go and recently, even Poker. Now, it is starting to try even more sophisticated games which requires a lot of decision making. So, in order to give the AI ‘bad dreams’, it is fed the most difficult and challenging levels of the games again and again, until it is able to find a solution on its own. 

Using this technique, researchers were able to increase the rate of learning of the AI by 10 times! That’s very impressive and shows that the method actually works. This will help AI learn in an unsupervised manner similar to how we humans learn things paving the way for a human-like AI.

So, What About The Dreaming Robots?

The terms, robots and dreams are used for making the concepts behind the technique clearer to the lay man. Of course, we do not have robots that can walk or talk like a human and of course we can’t give them random dreams like we get (yet).

Although that is not happening technically, in essence though, it is. Some day there will be robots who will walk and talk and be among humans like ‘normal people’ and they will learn just like us by dreaming but they will do their own version of it.


To me humans are advanced robots, therefore robots are already dreaming in a sense. So the question is can a robot make a robot dream? Seems like the human robot is testing its own artificial intelligence level, do we understand us enough to replicate our own thought process, and if so does that mean, if accomplished, we level up? Is evolution nothing more than a robot understanding its own process? Interesting.

This is one of the best comments I have ever read on this subject. This gives me a LOT to think about. Really, we might be robots too, who knows, created by a very highly intelligent species out there in the cosmos. We might have been given consciousness or we have developed it on our own and now are trying to do the same with our creations. I think this topic is so interesting and so vast that a book can be written on it.

Thanks for reading and such a wonderful comment :)

Your welcome. For me this brings up the concept of becoming gods. If we create something that is like us and by doing this we evolve then the way to godhood would be by fully understanding us. So evolution is the realization and replication of the self. Then we would be looking down on ourselves from another dimension or realm that we currently cannot see. I think the term that makes the most sense is enlightenment. When you fully understand the robot that is you one then becomes enlightened like the teachers of the old religions, you know the Jesus, Buddha, Krishna ect... Each individual has a unique religion of their own and if they take the time to figure themselves out rather than all the worldly distractions they then become god of themselves and are enlightened. I say this because i've written my own religion, taking up about seven five subject notebooks, it's a lot, and also putting half of what i've realized about reality into a novel of sorts to give to others who may want to glimpse further into the rabbit hole, but the world doesn't seem receptive yet. Used to have it on amazon but now i like to hand it out for free, which is part of the system i've found, the give and receive system, give tangible = receive intangible, and so my wisdom grows, thus why the bible was given for free. Something about the sacrament of money corrupts things, so selling it is kinda a no no, but in it i've unified all religions as well as science and broke down this illusion called life, but alas no science people will pay any attenion as it revolves around psychedelic discovery. And so i wait for the world to be tolerant enough to undersand the all, this is one of the reasons i've joined steemit, as a way to try to post stimulating thoughts from the journey i have and still am taking, i've even figured out consciousness to a pinpoint, but that is something i have not shared with others yet as this world thinks in terms of stealing rather than embracing, i would not want to further one religion above another as they are all true and also not true, like science for example, science would steal divine concepts and make them seem not divine, too controlling and not very open to truth if you ask me, but that's the fad this time around this life dance. I don't mean to drag on, figure out your own religion and the science of you, the human, and all truths become clear. Thank you for understanding my thoughts and appreciating them. (If you happen to be interested in my novel, which contains lots of mistakes as i had no editor, but i like it that way, keeps the not open people away, i'd be glad to send you a copy. Email me if so at [email protected] with your address and i'll try to send it to you, this offer is open to others as well though i will have to order more copies as i only have one to give right now. It was formed as a way to protect people who used psychedelics from persecution but became so much more. Read my other blog posts for more insight into where my mind is at.)

Wow!! Just wow! You are so much wiser in these topics and this is right up my ally!! Man, you should really post about these things on steemit. I think people here are more open and receptive to these ideas and you will definitely find an audience here. Please, do share with the world the knowledge you have amassed. Even if there will be naysayers, there will be other people who would be a million times thankful about it.

I am intrigued by your comment of "pinpointed consciousness" and I just want to read your book so badly. Do you have an e-book? If not, I totally suggest you to post chapter after chapter on steemit for everyone to read. You have gained a follower in me. :)

Thank you so much :)

I will look into the ebook thing as i know i had the option to do that with the site i used. I'm a hermit by nature and not too techy, i'm a creator not a developer, that is someone elses job, so some of this computer stuff is difficult for me. I'm also fairly certain i'm currently being oppressed by a cult, but that may be paranoia, though i highly doubt it is paranoia, but i try to get out what i can to who i can to try to free the world from it's own oppression. Also addressing your interest in my comment on consciousness, what i believe i've figured out is how shamans access cellular DNA to change reality to heal others, like so many amazonian shamans claim, but i do not describe it with serpents or hard to understand symbolism, so i've essentially figured out cellular consciousness as each cell contains consciousness within itself, one just has to understand it or have the realization of it and then it all connects together. The book i managed to put together is only one piece of the puzzle, not the consciousness part as that came later and i'm being told to be protective with it so that the cult of science does not steal it for themselves and try to destroy divinity. I would have connected it all but i've been recieving so much wisdom from wherever it is coming from, by opening up my consciousness, that i've become lost in it all and do not feel i have the time to type it up as that seems to impede the flow of it coming into my mind to where i'd rather learn more than write about it, thus why there are so many mistakes in my book, i couldve corrected things but i'm more into discovery than marketing, though i do want to share. Anyway let me get back to you on the ebook, maybe you could help me to figure out how to make it available for free somehow, or i will post chapter by chapter.

Update: As i was replying i checked things out, i do have a digital copy that i can send you for free. The section most intriguing is the psychedelic book of shadows/after thoughts. Some stuff is wierd but it all connects to me. I relisted it on amazon kindle in digital print, said it would be up up in 72 hrs, i listed it at the lowest price allowed which was $1.99, it is called The Balance of Reality, The Church of Nothing, and Psychedelic Book of Shadows/ After Thoughts and Realizations. Any and all who would like it for free can email me as i have a pdf copy that i can send and it'd be no problem, i'm very willing to share. Again this is my science or realizations that apply to my human machine but all can relate, i actually encourage people to get a notebook and begin their own discovery of themselves as it is the only way to truly find freedom in this world of control and oppression. I will keep checking my email for any interests, again it's [email protected], i will wait to hopefully hear from you and maybe in time lead you further into things (i relisted it on amazon kindle for those who do not want to email or have contact, some people like myself are more private and i respect that though any money from it will be used to buy more black and white print copies to hand out, color is too expensive for print, but the digital copies have color, so user choice.)

Yes and we also should give robots the ability to unionize and demand higher wages. ;)

hahha! That would be pretty funny! This might seem like something to laugh about now but I'm sure this could be a valid concern in the future with talks going on with providing citizenship and rights to robots or at least how to handle their existence.

Didn't you watch west world! No!

Ding it! I totally forgot to mention Westworld in the article. How could I?

I should have ended with "these violent delights have violent ends". That would have been cool :D

And one day, or should I say night, robots will dream of being equal with humans? Here is look in to that future:

Arduino Robot ID:2865341 broadcasting to universal network "I had most interesting dream recently. Dream where us, robots, were not no longer beneath men but seen as equal members of society"

And that dream would be the seed which would lead to the destruction of humanity. If they can think that they are equal to us, they can also think that they are greater than us (which they are poised to be at some point of time). It really is an intriguing thing to think about.

Thanks for reading and your wonderful comment :)

At that point I don't know how advanced we would be as species but to combat such a danger we would have to upgrade our own brains with technology or otherwise be totally destroyed by robots. We tend to have hard time allowing others not like us to exist, robots would probably be satisfied just to be equals with us but we humans, I fear, would not allow that without a fight. There's plenty of room in the space for all of us.

But it will be interesting to see how it will play out.

Elon Musk suggests that the only way (or one of the ways) we can combat such a danger is to merge with machines, essentially creating a new human species.

Interesting times ahead for sure!

Your posts always leave me scratching my head. :p

I will take that as a compliment ;)

Great article,

Some would say that dreams are metaphor to understand something.

Are them generated by the subconscious or mixed with something else ?

Apparently google AI take drug to dream.

Dreams are really mysterious. That's for sure. I think sub-conscious mind has a huge role in our dreams, the secret to which we haven't even begun to understand yet. I hope the future brings with it some answers :)

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