How Will A Future With Robots Look Like?

in #technology7 years ago

Slowly but surely we are headed towards a world where, if you were to go now, you would get the greatest cultural shock of your life, even if you went to your own country. 

That is because our lives are going to be so much different than what they are now. In fact, this has been happening for quite some time now. Remember just over a decade ago when smartphones weren’t there? Today we rely on them for everything. 

Similarly some decades ago, the internet didn’t exist and our current lives might just have been dreams for people back then, or more realistically, beyond their wildest imaginations. 

The same will happen again in the coming decades when the technologies that are in their infancy today, will become fully developed and go mainstream and become so integrated with our lives that we will wonder how we ever managed without them. 

The Age of Robots

The technology that I am going to be talking about today is Robotics. We have had robots for quite some time now but they have been mostly limited to factories and look no way near as cool as the robots we are used to seeing in the movies. 

In the future however, the humanoid robots will be as common as smartphones are today. We will see them everywhere, will work with them and they could be seen walking and talking among ourselves as if just another humans.

The “walking and talking like humans” part will come much further along the way, probably after we become comfortable with the robots who look and talk like robots. 

Anyways, they will be everywhere, assisting us in our daily life, at work, in the air, under the oceans, even in our labs! 

The Role of Future Robots

As I said, we will see robots being used in every field imaginable. There are a lot of things that only a robot will be able to do and some other things that robots will be able to do better than us, so their presence will help us humans in various ways. 

Also, there will be use-specific robots that will performing only one task or a limited range of tasks.

In Our Homes

House chores will be a thing of the past as in the future, robots will take care of every one of those. From cleaning the house and taking out trash to doing the laundry and the dishes, everything will be handled by our metallic friends. 

Don’t want to cook? Don’t want to go outside? Just tell your robot chef to cook something for you and it shall be done!

They will even be able to take care of the little children. Even today there are several small robots that are aimed towards children to teach them various things like languages and to help them improve their cognitive development. 

In Our Offices

I think workplace will be a huge area where the expertise of robots will be employed to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of a business by a multitude. 

Robots with AI (artificial intelligence) capabilities will be able to churn a large amount of data making connections that no humans could ever make so as to benefit businesses make smart decisions. 

They could also predict the probability of success or failure of a decision which will be another plus for businesses. 

In The Military 

This one is pretty scary but I think there is just no way the militaries of the world won’t want to ‘employ’ robots for the purposes of defence as well as offence. 

Since robots won’t die as quickly as humans do and will come with god knows what capabilities, robots will bring an entirely new dimension to the militaries of the world and to warfare (if and when any happens).

An entirely new arms race will begin to build robots, exoskeletons, even Iron Man like suits to one-up the different nations of the world and establish superiority. 

In Space

There are already robots like the Mars rover Curiosity but in the future, much of the exploration will be done by robots who will search for suitable planets for us to colonise and once confirmed will start building structures there, ready for our arrival. 

This will be really useful because our biology places a lot of limitations on our capabilities and durability in space so we will have to delegate much of the space explorations to robots and only handle the really important missions. 

Robots could also be used for resource mining in space by sending swarms of them on asteroids or distant planets. This would create an entirely new industry. 

In Labs

Like in the offices, robots equipped with AI will be of immense importance here. AI is already starting to find cures for diseases and is conducting researches of its own without anyone telling it to do so. 

Thanks to the highly advanced computing prowess of the future, their capabilities to advance scientific knowledge, be it in any field, will be very high. Maybe, they will make discoveries and inventions  for us. 

For that AI, will need a physical form which robots can easily provide. This one sounds a bit scary too. We will need to maintain supervision over everything that an AI robot will do in a lab, otherwise who knows what it might cook up. 

Image Credits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


Yes and factory farms of the future could be largely harvested by robots either with computer vision and AI or by partial or complete remote control by human workers.

Perhaps police or social workers could be a good use too. If the robots went into violent domestic situations when controlled by people who are not worried about their personal safety they might be very useful.

One interesting question is if law enforcement officers should be able to take over any useful robotics in an emergency situation and remotely control them for reconnaissance or apprehending suspects. If video and audio records of use were kept by the robots for auditing I could see how such use of robots could be helpful.

Yes there are a LOT of other areas where robots will be seen but the post was already getting longer so I didn't include them in this one. Maybe I'll do a part 2 of this some time.

You mention some really important issues and only time will tell how we as a race handle these situations.

Most farms today are harvested by robots
But people still believe that robots will be anthropomorphic for some reason...

Nice comment.

There is a lot of progress being made with full body suit input and VR feedback for the gaming industry. These devices could be conceivably reused to control human like general purpose robots. With the proper qualifications and good enough control anyone available could control these robots to do a big variety of different tasks. Part of what makes many jobs difficult now is having to commute to them and being on call 24-7 for emergencies.

Yet, anthropomorphic shapes are not very useful for many tasks. We will not care if it does not walk in 2 legs as long as it drives our car.

Very true, I'd kind of like to drive a mechanical spider robot down a sewer pipe in VR to dislodge the fatbergs, but I guess I'm kind of an odd duck, lol.

I'm sure many specialized robotic devices will begin to be available if the market and economy moves in the direction to support it.

Yes, we no longer use binoculars to stalk our hot neighbors... now we use drones!

You forgot to mention the robot that will write your posts on Steemit, answer the comments, collect the SD, and... wait, you will be out of the picture. Most probably obsolete by then :D

haha that will be a good time to say "I am old but not obsolete...." :P

Let me expand a bit on this humorous comments but now on a more serious note. I more in favor of personal genetic hacking than transhumanism. The former is controlled by you (it is autonomous in your genetic code) the later (will be appliances produced by companies) and run by the powers that shouldn't be, which at any time can pull the plug on you.

I think both will be very much available to us humans in the future. The genetic hacking is already more or less here with the CRISPR-Cas9 technique which even the average individual can do.

Transhumanism on the other hand will take some time. You are correct in stating that under this scenario, we are at the risk of being "shut down"

Imagine the following scenario in transhumanism: you have your crytpo savings in your mandatory government chip. If for some reason you "fall from grace" they might just turn off your chip and you are penniless, maybe you can't even open the door to your home... Kind a scary...

Very scary indeed!

I love the potential of robots in our future, but I'm equally scared as fascinated by them. Did anyone of you watch Ex-Machina?

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Yeah, it is scary stuff if the negatives come true. Yes, I have watched Ex-Machina and it really outlines the worst of it. Hopefully we will be smarter in our decision making.

why do you expect them to be 'humanoid'?

Science fiction has a huge influence on the real world and we see a lot of humanoids in science fiction. Also, several companies are working on creating humanoid robots.

That is not to say that there will only be humanoid robots. There be robots in all shapes and sizes just as kitchen utensils are. There specific skill sets will detect their form, in my opinion.

why should they be humanoid in shape or form?

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