Augmented Reality: The Future of Computing Interface

in #technology8 years ago

The invention of the computer has, one can argue, completely changed the direction of human civilisation. They have become such integral part of our existence that it is difficult to imagine what the world would look like today had there been no computers at all. 

With the advent of the internet, computers became even more supercharged and it revolutionised the already revolutionary technology and as a result of that, today’s world that we live in was made possible where a single tap on a screen can summon a cab to your location!

However, this took a lot of work and evolutions along the way. When computers were first launched they were very bulky and filled entire rooms. With time they get smaller and more powerful until they could fit in our pockets and now on our wrists. On the ‘interface’ front too, there have been many necessary evolutions going from command line to a graphical user interface that we still use today.

This is all set to change again as technology is preparing yet another departure from the current form of computing which is mainly restricted to what we see on a screen be it laptops, smartphones or smartwatches. Our interaction with computing is a two dimensional experience but in the future, it will be much more intimate.

Augmented Reality

The technology isn’t even fully developed yet and we are already using this word like it’s a common thing. Augmented Reality is a technology that superimposes computer generated images on to a user’s view of the real world. Basically mixing the real and virtual world together.

That sounds something straight out of science fiction and only seen in movies like Iron Man and some others. It won’t remain that way for long though as many companies are working very seriously on this including Microsoft, Magic Leap, Google and even Apple (according to rumours). 

Today we are used to sitting in front of a laptop and doing most of our work in it through a keyboard and a mouse but in the future, the interaction with a computer will be much more natural with gestures and real world overlay of computer graphics which we will ‘feel’ like we are interfacing with, with our bodies. 

But what about the hardware you ask? Well, there might be several iterations depending on different companies. It may start out as a head mounted display that we have already seen and then with time, simplify to just eyeglasses. In a more distant the same would be possible through smart contact lenses which will be the ultimate perfection of this technology. 


Right now the applications are very limited but when the tech is fully developed, it will change a lot of things in many different industries. 


It will change the way students learn in class as it will allow them to actually see and feel (in a figurative way) the things that they study in textbooks. This will lead to much better understanding of the subject matters. 


It will also change the field of medicine as it will allow doctors to ‘see’ what is wrong with a patient as it can overlay the different layers of the body in the field of view of the doctors. It will also allow virtual X-ray view, enhanced view of a foetus inside a mother’s womb and any other useful information right there merged with the real world. 


Navigation will be much more practical and so much cooler as you will see things like “information about important places” or “arrows” guiding to your destination, traffic information all in your literal view point of the world. No longer holding a phone and looking down every so often.


Gaming is almost guaranteed to get revolutionised as game elements will be superimposed in the real world. So, for example you are playing a horror game, a skeleton monster could appear suddenly from behind a wall and you will feel that it is actually happening in your home and freak you out! Now that is next level gaming experience!


Imagine coming face to face with someone who doesn’t speak your language and having to converse with them. No problem. Whatever they say will be immediately converted into your language and the text can appear as subtitles right next to the person!


This is sure to help a lot of architects as it will be much more easier to design anything when you can actually see a live model of what you are building and can change it in real time and see the effect of it in your design. 

There are many more applications, some that we haven’t even thought of yet. I think, there will be no aspect of life that won’t be affected by AR in some way or the other. If you’re still not impressed, check out this video of a Magic Leap concept below. (Remember, the real world applications will be far superior and more polished)

Here is one more video that flaunts the capabilities of AR.

Image Credits 1, 2


reminds me of minority report. this is cool love these type posts upvote and following now

thank you for the wonderful comment :)

Very good post - thanx :)

I love augmented reality, but never found a free app on my google cardboard device to actually use it. I don't mean that pokemon app either. Finding augmented reality apps on Google Play Store for free seems near impossible. I wish the playstore would make finding these types of apps easier. :(

yeah, right now there are not so many "actual" applications but in the future they will be as common as apps on smartphones!

interesting post!

and here is one more showing what will happen when AI is handled by profit driven corporations instead of blockchain collective wisdom. Thanks for the great article!

Ads will have to be banned from day 1 ;)
thanks for reading :)

I think this is it after the touch screen phone.

Yeah, I think so too. :D

Good work. Filled with useful info, your article is excellent.

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