Has The Trail Been Blazed In The World Of Wireless Electricity? [The future of WITRICITY]

in #technology7 years ago

Are we approaching a world that is void of wires? If your answer is in the affirmative, then relax let’s take a little survey into this. You can grab a bottle of drink, or anything you can find, as I present unto us the dynamic future of electricity; which is WITRICITY (Wireless Electricity).

[Image Source]

We probably have heard about wireless electricity. This is nothing more than distributing electric current without the use of any material medium (cables, wires, and all that). As simple as it may sound, there are some technicalities embedded in this. 

But I’d love to categorically state that this should not be mistaken with Electricity Teleportation (which deals with quantum mechanics and excitation of particles). We’re just looking at Witricity.

Origin of Wireless Electricity

The origin of the idea of Witricity dates back to the early 19th century. As a matter of precision, Nikola Tesla was among the first propositors of Witricity. He proposed an idea of the transfer of electric current (alternating current) by means of electromagnetic induction. This was how the idea of Witricity was birthed.

[Image Source]

Though the idea is age-long, this invention has not seen much of daylight. His vision for a world without electric wires didn’t enjoy much attention. But in the mid 20th century, another scientist arose to buttress on Tesla’s idea. His own was a little different though, because his demonstrations were majorly based on the propagation of electricity using micro beam. Would you call it Witricity? Well, since wires were not involved, I guess it qualifies as Witricity.

Working Dynamics of Witricity

The major dynamics behind the wireless Electricity is Electrical Resonance. That means, keeping the Electrical Impedance at a very low level. 

[Image Source]

This can be calculated mathematically with:

Where ω = 2πf
(f is the resonance frequency, L is the inductance, and C is the capacitance)

Transmission medium

Since we’ve noted that the transmission medium of Witricity is void of cables and wires, what will be the medium for transmission?

The answer is simpler than the question. The transmission will be majored on electromagnetic induction. And for that to be effective, the transmitting electrical device (emitter), and the receiving electrical device (receiver) must be quipped EM coupling devices.

[Image Source]

From the advances being made in this aspect of technology; sooner than later; the need for cabling and wiring will be completely ruled out. The future generations may need to go to the museum to see what electric wire looks like. Technology can only get better.

Tech Rules!! 

God bless technology 

References for further reading: Ref1, Ref2, Ref3


I have a classmate that was a huge fan of wireless electricity. He even proposed a prototype of how it would work and got an all expense paid trip to present his findings on an IEEE conference in South Africa. Awesome dude, kinda lost touch with him.

Bet he is working in a bank as a cashier. Nigeria killing dreams since 1960. As young people, we need a rebirth and self discovery. The government officials are after their pockets.

@rowlandokoli, not a far-fetched scenario. Most inventors are in the wrong jobs here because of how tough the economy is, and the policies which do not favor entrepreneurship. Kudos to the guys who braved the odds to get their dream come true.

The Gen-X should also know that nothing comes easy, fight for what you want. So many of us give up when faced with little obstacle.
The Nigerian society doesn't encourage any form of development because those in charge cannot conceive the idea that we can build or create anything because during their era they weren't exposed to such creativity that was why the entertainment industry broke off and financed it self without any form of Government backing even till date.

You evidently see that our young people are doing greater things worldwide but the dinosaurs in Government have no comprehension of how we do it because their era is long gone.

@rowlandokoli, that is How To Be An Entrepreneur 101 in Nigeria you just lectured on now. Just try to get a private funding from friends, family and people with same vision and launch your entrepreneurial scheme. If it becomes successful everyone would like to be identified with you. Case in point is Anthony Joshua, the boxer that was rejected here and went ahead to be the world champion. Now everybody wants to identify with him. Well, like they said, nothing succeeds like success. Keep steeming.

I'm not surprised about this bro. "Naija get talent, no be lie". I hope his idea has seen the light of the day?

I lost contact with him, after school. I really hope it did as he was passionate about it.

Fate could bring you together again someday bro. He could even be in steemit

That's a given, I may soon run into him soon

How efficient is the electricity transfer? Lighting lamps from a distance is impressive, but it doesn't take much to light a lamp.

How efficient is the electricity transfer?

Advances are really underway in this area

The world of science is such a verse one. New things keep emerging. To be frank, I have never heart about this term — witricity — before.

Thanks @samminator for Always been in the forefront of reporting new science related discoveries

@eurogee for @euronation

Thanks a lot bro. I'm glad you now know about Witricity

We already see the witricity, as you call it, for charging smarthphones and soon cars. These are short distance applications, typically below 1 meter. Long-range applications are also possible, using lasers or microwaves, which have not yet been widely used.

We're not talking about just powering of small appliances, but high voltage "Witrical" power.
Thanks for dropping by

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