Mind Algorithm: That language speaks of mind

in #technology7 years ago

What is a Mind Algorithm? Why do you need to know this? And if you know what you can do?

Suppose, if you could not run the computer, could you do your work arbitrarily? Never You have to learn computer for this. If you do not start learning the computer, then you can not do the will of yourself; Moreover, the computer can be any damage!

In the same way, we can do whatever we want in our lives if we are taught to manage our mind properly. And that is why we need to know about our Mind algorithm or the terminology of the mind.

What is the mind

The mind is such that it can not be seen, it can not be touched, laboratory tests can not be tested in the test tube, but it can be felt. We can see it compared to our computer. Two parts of the computer - hardware and software Hardware is caught, seen, touches but software? It exists but can not be caught. If not, the computer can not run.

The mind also controls everything. In the words of scientists, there are 3 types of our minds-

* Conscious mind

* Unconscious mind

* Unconscious mind

How does the mind work?

We are always driven by the conscious mind. It monitors all our tasks so that there is no mistake. But the most powerful is the unconscious mind. Usually we can not feel the work of this.

But whatever we are doing, what we are seeing, what we are trying to understand or to learn, everything is backed up in our brain and by doing this our subconscious mind

When we fall asleep, the unconscious mind wakes up and starts its action. All information in the back-up stimulates the work by analyzing the information, and stores the information in the permanent memory of the brain. In this way what we see or think about, all the sleeping minds enter the memory of our unconscious mind.

One psychologist said,

"Do not squeeze your memory like that of godown, do the work, and throw the unnecessary."

Use Mind Power

First, the unconscious mind does not have any effect in the mind algorithm. Then the rest is Conscious Mind or conscious mind and sub-conscious mind or subconscious mind. As the most powerful of them is actually the sub-conscious mind; These sub-conscious minds or subconscious minds are controlling our work.

On the other hand, our Conscious Mind or conscious mind is very advanced and intelligent. But in reality, its strength is very low. That is why problems arise. We know-but we can not control those wrong things. Because the job is entirely dependent on sub-conscious mind.

Self-control is a great tool to make yourself successful.

The process of doing this sub-conscious mind, which has been researched by researchers after many years of research, And by this the Mind algorithm or the terminology of the mind is operated.

The way to control sub-conscious mind or subconscious mind

All successful people in the world know the process of controlling their sub-conscious mind. And that is why they have reached so much. According to one study, sub-conscious Mind is 30 thousand times stronger than Conscious Mind. But how to use Sub-conscious Mind?

Principle 1: Practice positive self-talk

We talk about ourselves often or think a lot. Hold on, test in front of someone and he thinks in the mind, "I have not read anything, I'll be able to read it." Someone else is in trouble and he says, "Everyone says that I can not do anything in my life; I might not really do anything ".

Many such thoughts, though our normal or conscious mind, take sub-conscious minds in such a way that we can not get out again. So always have to give up such negative talk with yourself.

Principle 2: Practice visualization

If we were to imagine any aspect of our life, then Sub-conscious Mind holds it and helps us reach our goal. That's why it's not bad to imagine what you want to be beforehand! But visualizing must be thinking of 'reality' in terms of thinking as much as possible.

Principle 3: Practicing dream analysis

Before you go to bed every day, you can write down what you want to do next day. If you write down what you dream about yourself in the same way, then you are indirectly ordering Sub-conscious Minds to prepare yourself to reach your goal so that they are always on the mind.

Positive input

Sub-conscious Minds will give you positive input all the time to get positive output. Do you know there are scientific reasons behind this?

Our sub-conscious mind or subconscious mind is like a machine. This is the process of taking input and output it process and output it. That is why, it is said that, always positive input. The more positive thoughts you input, the more your subconscious mind will do the same with your body. Mark the person

Identify the thoughts that make you shy away from controlling your mind. Negative thinking will be unsteady when it comes to mind again and again. So first find out the source of thought.


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