# 15: Science Highlights Daily | 2018-09-02

in #technology6 years ago

This is a curated articles about the latest discoveries in science and interesting articles tackling technology and society.

Struggling to multitask? Your brain might have hit full capacity: Clare Wilson

When people are trying to do several things at once their brain cells freeze up when yet another task is added to the pile

Watch a printer that uses sound waves and inks made from honey: Leah Crane

Regular inkjet printers only work with watery liquids, but one that uses sound waves can print with almost anything as ink, from honey to metals to human cells

NASA has just 45 days to save Opportunity rover after huge Mars storm: Leah Crane

The planet-wide dust storm on Mars that’s stranded the Opportunity rover since June is subsiding, and NASA has given engineers just 45 more days to wake it up

Cancer-tracking AI could save lives by predicting how tumours evolve: Andy Coghlan

Knowing what a cancer will do next could help doctors treat patients or prolong their lives with pre-emptive treatments

Hey America, you can finally choose to elect people who rely on facts: Shaughnessy Naughton

As the battle for power in the US Congress hots up it offers the best chance yet to address the lack of politicians with science backgrounds, says Shaughnessy Naughton

DeepMind is testing AIs to see how well they understand our thoughts: Timothy Revell

DeepMind has created a new set of demanding tests for artificial intelligence to probe its theory of mind. No AI has passed it yet, but one was extremely close

Warming seas kill coral – but some are beginning to resist the heat: Katya Zimmer

An experiment in 1970 found that coral bleach and die in warming waters. Now a repeat of the experiment suggests some corals are adapting to rising temperatures

Babies are at risk from air pollution but some pram designs can help: Inga Vesper

Air pollution is worse for infants than adults. Here are the design features to look for in a pram to protect against it

Puppies treated with CRISPR show improvement from muscular dystrophy: Chelsea Whyte

Gene editing has improved muscle function in dogs that have the mutation that causes Duchenne muscular dystrophy in people, and could lead to new treatments

A species of fish has passed the mirror test for the first time: Yvaine Ye

The cleaner wrasse has become the first fish ever to pass the mirror test – a classic experiment used to gauge self-awareness in animals

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