# 125: Science Highlights Daily | 2018-12-12

in #technology6 years ago

This is a curated articles about the latest discoveries in science and interesting articles tackling technology and society.

Major companies are using AI to decide who you speak to on the phone: Douglas Heaven

When you ring a call centre, an AI could be deciding which person will speak to you, based on their ability to influence your decisions

Vibrating crystal made of 10 billion atoms smashes quantum record: Leah Crane

Testing increasingly large objects proves that quantum mechanics works at larger scales - a finding that could help build quantum computers

Drone owners in India must get government approval before every flight: Edd Gent

A law designed to open up civilian access to the skies in India overturns a ban on drones, but only by giving the government automated control over when they can take off

First close-up look shows asteroid Bennu is a holey watery world: Leah Crane

NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission arrived at Bennu on 3 December, and its first results show that the asteroid is chock-full of water and covered in huge boulders

The Great Barrier Reef is fighting back by losing weak species: Alice Klein

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef appears to be getting better at coping with heatwaves overall, as stronger species take over where vulnerable ones get wiped out

City living makes urban male frogs far more attractive to females: Sam Wong

Urban male túngara frogs have evolved more elaborate mating calls than their rural brothers, which make them much better at attracting a mate

There won’t be many more gene-edited babies just yet – here’s why: Michael Le Page

The news of gene-edited twins is more likely to have a chilling effect on research into the technique used than to open the floodgates to millions more edited babies

Baboons live for months after getting genetically modified pig hearts: Chelsea Whyte

Genetically modified pig hearts have kept baboons alive for more than 90 days, a threshold that may now allow trials of this type of transplantation in people

Let’s cheer workers at Google who are holding their bosses to account: Lilly Irani

Staff at Google, Amazon and Microsoft are using walkouts, work slowdowns and refusals to build to hold the tech giants to their proclaimed ethics

Gene-editing experiment widely criticised for safety and ethics issues: Clare Wilson

The scientist who led an experiment to create gene-edited babies has been criticised for acting unethically towards the couples and infants involved

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