Tyranny in your ComputersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #technology7 years ago (edited)


While I was traveling recently I have noticed that key disclosure laws at border crosses are becoming introduced, I fear that tyranny is coming for our computers now. We haven't personally encountered any Orwellian stuff while crossing the borders, yet, but I have heard rumors, that they will start to introduce such things by 2020.

Key Disclosure Laws

Now this means that the border agent will force you, at gunpoint, to reveal all your passwords/private keys of all of your digital items that you carry around, whenever you are crossing a border. Of course this means that if you are carrying a Trezor or a Ledger Bitcoin wallet, then the border agent will literally steal all your money, since to know the password, means to own the Bitcoin. Bitcoin is literally the private key, so if they force you to reveal that, or the password leading to it (which is essentially the same), means that they are stealing all your cryptocurrency holdings.

Now this is Orwellian, and in the US it's getting even worse, they might force key disclosure even at police checkpoints, not just at border crossing. So you get stopped after you crossed the speed limit by 1 mph, and the officer will gently ask you to reveal the password of your Bitcoin hardware wallet, or else he will do who knows what to you:

Now it's early to panic, in Europe it's nowhere near to that level, but it's getting there, especially with the scaremongering concerning the immigrants, you bet they will introduce strict border controls here too, all thanks to the ALT-RIGHT NAZIS who are rabidly pushing for closed borders.

But because of this, I could not bring my Trezor device with me, because I feared that this would happen to me, although the region we went to doesn't have an immigrant problem, nontheless I prepared earlier than the sheeps do. Although I think Trezor has like a plausible deniability system where if you enter a fake password it will show you an empty balance, I just didn't felt comfortable risking it.

So yes this is what it is, armed thugs forcing you to reveal all your digital info, now at border points, later at cop checkpoints, and after that Nazis will start raiding our homes and stealing all our stuff:

I mean seriously, where do you think this is going? This is Orwellian tyranny and it's only escalating. We literally have Nazis openly marching on the streets like in the 1920's:

Tyranny in the PC

It's not just the key disclosure laws, but I literally see tyranny being introduced in the closed source operating systems. And I am not necessarily talking about the keyloggers and the other malware you frequently find on these closed source OS's:

I am talking about a literal government inside your PC. They are introducing "copyright enforcement" right inside the OS:

This is just the start, just imagine the tyranny that this could unleash, so its not just that everything you do is watched, but also you won't even have control over your PC anymore, and you will only receive a filtered version of reality, that the tyrants want you to have.

Just imagine, tyranny being hardcoded into every piece of software. So if you search for the "wrong" thing in the search-engine, it will show you no results or severely hiding information from you. I mean Google does this all the time, but I am talking about something even worse.

The Operating System is the heart of your computer, it is the direct interface between you the computer and the internet. So it's not just that the search engine can be censored, but your entire OS could show you bogus shit. Like for example:

  • If you search for a news article, the OS could have a hardcoded malware that would either block access to that article or hide it entirely, or even rewrite it with propaganda. The malice is limitless, and it's totally possible to insert these kinds of tyrannical tools being hardcoded into the OS.
  • Fake Bank Account / Bitcoin balance, I mean your computer could totally show you bogus results, total misinformation or disinformation about your financial holdings and you will have no way of knowing which one is true. So it shows you that you are earning 0.5 BTC / week, when it reality you don't, it could totally feed you lies and you will have no way of knowing.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg, propaganda, lies and tyranny is coming, and they probably want to control people's computers now.

The Government now has virtual total control over the physical space, if you do something illegal, in 5 minutes a cop shows up and you get arrested. But if you do something "illegal" on the computer it might take some time. So if you are torrenting movies, it might take some time until they catch you, but that might change in the future.

Who knows they could hardcode a virus inside the OS that will block all torrent websites, or better yet, have a direct feed to the local police so they can send armored tanks and bust down your door if you download a pirated movie like what happened to Kim Dotcom:


Upvote, ReSteem & bluebutton


they are trying but i think they will not really succeed in taking control of cryptospace
and they can check my wallet all they want : i got one of these https://digitalbitbox.com/

i recently wrote a similar thing about the evolution of where crypto is going in the US...


im curious to see how it will play out

cannot imagine trump being a crypto fan

Indeed things like this are just the beginning and beyond creepy. As govs get more desperate and lacking money they look for more ways to crack down on people. Hence why I refuse to go to Windows 10. More and more people need to look in how to maintain freedom in a ever unfree world.

Being 100% open source now is the only way to survive this.

Things are getting so bad that I have started thinking about a business model:

You leave you home country without your computer, but you need a computer where you are going. So, my service is to rent computers. But using a computer that is not yours is a pain in the ass. So further, the service will mirror your computer some how.

If everyone ran linux, you could just copy your home directory to cloud server, and then copy that to your rented computer. It would be easy.
Windows makes it almost impossible. But it still could be done with drive imaging.

I can imagine people actually double encrypting stuff. As in, you have only the external password, and you won't get the internal password until you reach your destination.

I think it could be circumvented if you'd upload your stuff into the cloud, encrypted of course, and then buy a cheap laptop at the place you visit and download it back.

So you basically cant move computers across the borders....

Another thing would be to just bring your empty computer without harddisk, and then buy a hard-disk in the country you visit, that would be cheaper, but that would be suspicious all in of itself. Why would you bring a computer without hard-disk across the border? Aren't you a criminal for that by default? It's totaly tyranny.

Of course probably these circumvention models are illegal by themselves, so I am not sure people would risk doing them.

We are living in an Orwellian era where everything is either illegal or mandatory.

There was a time when we had a honest debate going between client / server model of computers and individual computers.

These new laws may seem some really interesting client /server things. Where data gets stored one place, computer settings another, and programs become so easy to sideload, or front load, or just image to a disk that they become an as demand type thing.

With all of this, I am pretty sure the world is going to be like Paranoia (old role playing game) where everyone is a member of some secret organization. So, everyone is guilty. But everyone does it.

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