Cheap rechargeable batteries with 5x the capacity of lithium-ion

in #technology7 years ago

The latest research suggests we may be on the brink of a new zinc-air based rechargeable battery technology. They would be much cheaper than lithium-ion and have a theoretical capacity of up to five times that of lithium-ion batteries. Even double or triple would be an amazing leap and would make a huge difference to the practicality of elective vehicles and home power storage.



Innovations in battery will be the big selling point for smartphones and other devices. Lets see what the future has in store for us

That's impressive to hear about. Do you believe that in 5 years we'll have larger machines powered by these? Or is the implementation going to be used for laptops and phones?

If they can get the number of cycles up to 1000+ and avoid memory effects which reduce capacity then there is no reason why this can't be used for almost any device. Lithium-Ion batteries are used for phones, laptops, cars and now home and grid scale backup projects (see Musk's latest deployment in Hawaii), all these could potentially be replaced by Zinc-Air batteries.

The additional capacity will make devices much more usable too - smart watches and phones will finally last a week without charging, cars could go hundreds of miles on one charge without costing a fortune. And devices that already have adequate battery storage can get lighter which for vehicles will further increase their range.

We're actually in yhe day and age where having extra long battery life is coming. I feel like my phone dies very fast (although I'm constantly on it at times). From what I understand, we can decrease the overall size of products, due to stronger more compact batteries. Does this mean that minimalistic looking tech is coming? Other than powerimg am array of nano machines, I could imagine these batteries being used to power devices so small and thin, that they're basically invisible. Also, living on the island of Oahu, I did not know how large the solar pannel grid was on Kauai. Neat stuff

It really annoys me that they keep trying to make phones thinner and thinner. Or they make the displays higher and higher density which uses more and more power. If we had current batteries and 10 years ago battery consumption phones would probably last a week. So hopefully if batteries have 2 or 3x the capacity they won't just reduce the amount of battery or double the power consumption - we should have phones that you can look at all day and still last 2 days, at least. Fingers crossed...

Bendable displays... Aren't we already there? You can phone battery life for long periods of time on Android. Super battery saver, you can use internet, but all features get turned off unless you need them. I would imagine that with stronger phone processors coming out, they would use that extra battery life- but I feel that it's slow moving towards it c:

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