Untitled Tech Project Progress

in #technology8 years ago (edited)

Good Morning Steemians,

I hope everyone is well.

Last week I sort of introduced an idea I had involving a raspberry pi and that I was looking around the net for the parts I'll need.

I have done some research to see if anyone is making it, and they are, but that isn't going to stop me making it myself. I am convinced I'll be able to make it faster than it'll get on the shelves for me to buy, and it wont cost me shelf prices.

This morning I meant to finish off a halloween drawing but my mind has been racing about this idea after recieving an email saying both the pi and screen have been dispatched.

edit: I do not own this image I have made use of it to represent the idea that I aim to build even though it is not an accurate representation of what I imagine.

What Is It I Aim To Build?

Simply put I aim to build a forearm computer.

The computer will be built using a raspberry pi and will have a touchscreen, which in future I hope will be detachable for standing up infront of the user.

On the top side of the wrist I hope to have a usb, hdmi and audio port.

The system is to be powered by battery and this is where the electrics will get tricky.

Where I am  Up To

I have a rough sketch of how my first prototype will look however that sketch is of when it'll be able to fit onto my arm and get a test run as a forearm computer. Unfortunately much of the earlier stage will not be anywhere close to that.

Over the weekend I ordered myself a raspberry pi and a 3.5" touchsreen as my first step towards making this a reality for myself is to get the pi, screen and OS all up and running on a mains psu.

So tht I am prepared for the pi and screen I have downloaded the full and lite rasbian operating system off the raspberry pi website. I've also found what should be a compatable driver for the screen and downloaded that. Since it is the first time I'll have messed about with a raspberry pi I've also found a simple guide for setting up the screen.

The latest I should have my pi and screen is wednesday but because I'm that eager to get started I've got myself ready to get started the moment it gets here.

I can't wait
I'll keep everyone updated

I am partly supporting this project through my earning from steem

Until next time

Edit: So I just double check the dispatch email for my gran and well the delivery date just keeps getting further away, on amazon they said prime next day, on the track progress it said wednesday and on the dispatch email they say that it'll be a week today. How frustraing!

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