
Hi, I have been replying to this post a lot and it is feeling a bit spammy, so I apologise, but I have some suggestions.
Could you please make sure the responses from your server follows a JSON standard. It is not necessary, but it is industry standard. Could you also please return contextText from your private API functions such as vote. Possibly {message: Vote on Post XXX from author XXX successful} or {error: Service down}. I can create a function that builds these responses myself based on the HTTP response code, but I feel it should be included in the server itself.

So I would need to JSON.parse or similar function on the ContentText


No need to worry about spamming this post with suggestions 🙂

First, the main idea of this API is to return plain-text data. While it's tru JSON is an industry standard, I personally like clean results. Basically, with the way the API is made, I just send a request and save the output to a variable and that's it. No need to parse JSON or XML.

Second, definitely. Currently the API doesn't return "errors", but it can be easily enabled.

Great projects, love your Steemduino project and i just played with your API a bit. very good work and it updates with a very fast interval.

Upvoted, and this post deserves more upvotes

Thanks! I've made some new calls that I'll announce later 🙂

And I agree with you with the votes on this post. (btw, vote me for witness? 😂)

Hi, I have been working on an implementation of your server and I would like to ask if you could please add functionality that returns the last say 10 (a parameter for this maybe) or more posts an author has made.

Currently the getPostTitle function is not that useful as it is being fed as a parameter. I believe all the getPost functions would benefit from indexing posts programmatically

I'll be implementing this soon.

Hi, I have finished an implementation of your REST API and provides links to the code in

There is a section in the google apps script that provides an example REST API for your server in

I have just connected and pulled data into Power BI. Looking forward to exploring this some more.
Will share with the #bisteemit community. they will love this

Thanks for using this! I'm still working on some more functions and every suggestion is really appreciated 🙂

Small correction, getLocation example is wrong.

Thanks for reporting that typo. It has been fixed 🙂

Is this still working? If I want to post to it, do I have to provide the link?

Hey, great work! Any chance I can sign POST transactions locally so that user does not have to send private keys to 3rd party server?

Thanks! Currently the API doesn't allow to do that.

Seems like a game-changing addition for those who have been looking to tap into the data. I saw @paulag has already tested with Power BI and was able to successfully connect. I plan to use it with Power BI as well and share some analysis of the data.


Hello, first of all i want to say that you have done a great job with this api, i really appreciate it and i have even voted you for witness.
After testing it for a couple of times i have discovered a couple of "problems" or bugs... or at least this is how it worked on my tests...
When you create a post, from the list of 5 tags comma separated and with no spaces between them, the post is assigned only to first tag from the list, and the others don't even show at the bottom of the post as tags.
Take for example this post:
I used trailers,movies,films,film,video as tags and it only used "trailers".
Also i have noticed that the posts created this way does not show in the feeds.. for example that post can't be found in the "trailers" feed, or anywhere else
I also notices that when the title contains the quotes character ", the post can't be created.
Anyway i hope you can take a look on this problems and solve them, so the service can be 100% functional.
And one last question, have you added more calls to the api, or do you plan to do it soon? As a suggestion last comment permalink and last post permalink of user, the real voting power (the one you can see on, and transaction calls would be very useful.
Thanks again for your work and i hope you will answer to my questions/problems.


Sorry for the late reply.

Today, I've open sourced the API code.

Take a look here:

The tags and title issues has been fixed as well.

There's also some additional calls. I'll make a post about them later.

Looking for it.thanks

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