A Man's Phone Is Not His Castle: Edward Snowden On The State Of Government Surveillance.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #technology7 years ago

Educate thyself

I've been collecting new videos, mostly related to Edward Snowden's cache of documents about government surveillance. Most of these are from 2015, and in them, we can see the revelations in the Snowden Documents, and their effect on the public, and public opinion. The San Bernardino shootings were an example of this. This case is indeed mentioned in the video below.

Because the National Security State has become so entrenched however, only a little bit of progress has been made towards freedom, but we need to continue on building momentum, or we're still in danger of losing everything - and becoming slaves of the State.

Just because somebody has turned a light on and made the cockroaches scatter, doesn't mean they're gone. They merely hide away elsewhere.

There is no left or right to freedom

Keep up the pressure and continue educating yourself and others. I've discovered that the issues of privacy vs. surveillance, and freedom in general, cut across most ideological and political lines. Freedom is not "left" or "right", but universal.

Everybody will agree that the national security apparatus has overstepped the Constitution, not just once or a few times, but habitually. It's been an eye opener for me, to have "liberals" agree with me when I get in a discussion about how I see the government shredding the Constitution in order to provide "security".

Keep spreading the word, and I'll try my best to keep my information current so I can keep writing these kind of posts.


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