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RE: Technological castration

in #technology7 years ago

This is a controversial subject because as much as I and many others agree with the statement that a sexual predator of children is simply as evil as it gets there is a mental health component we are not fully understanding yet. There was a article I read a long time ago about this guy who suffered an accident and after having the brain injury started to develop pedophiliac tendencies, the crazy detail here is that prior to his injury he never had those thoughts. The physical injury had in a way we don't understand created a misfiring of the brain for lack of a better word that translated into sexual deviancy. He did get caught for child pornography and trialed and jailed, because as much as his defense did make sense he made sure not to watch these kinds of videos in his work hours thus allowing the jury to see that there was free will involved in the equation. That being said, when I try to wrap my head around the possibility of a brain injury triggering such behavior it leaves me stranded on an island of confusion. Can't imagine what me might the discover in the future when we crack open the puzzle of consciousness and free will or lack there of.


It is going to get very interesting though as a whole range of different technologies are going to come together to give options we are yet to even imagine. The idea of guilty and innocent is likely to be thrown into a whole new toolkit and I am fairly certain we are currently flawed in our views. But, without better information, what else can we do?

You are not alone in the confusion.

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