It’s Official - iphone trick and thoughts on technology vs language

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

I am now going to consult my iPhone and the built in dictionary to technically define the word OFFICIAL. Check out the image below - see how I highlighted the word official? Ok good. Now see the handy dandy arrow I drew? That’s a trick for another day. Anyway see how I pointed to the little arrow thing that indicates there is more to the menu? Good. Scroll down.


So in my iPhone, I can highlight any word - and find its definition but tapping the “more” arrow icon - as shown above. Dam . I have to do it again now to demonstrate. Lol! Ok the word to define is official .

So highlight the word then tap the black arrow to see additional menu choices. Then tap the choice labeled “look up”


As you can see, you will get this handy dandy dictionary tool! Yay! So it’s official. The word official officially doesn’t have much to do with an office, as I suspected. Why the heck doesn’t the word official have anything to do with it’s own root word - office????

I sincerely hoped I would find a better definition than I found. Oh well, I feel goofy now. I thought a big revelation would come from all this. Well, it didn’t. I just emphasized what we already know and that is the notion that the English language is pretty much a mixed up bag of sounds with definitions, and they come from many places. I conclude - it’s hard to define anything at all. That’s not news!

Sheesh. At least you may have learned the cool built In dictionary trick ... if you didn’t know it yet.

what’s your cool phone tool or trick?


Is it official? Do you officially follow me yet? What exactly are you waiting for. Folllllow me, so I have a purpose in my existence.




Hello, What your iPhone dicotianry isn't telling you is that the word root for both "official" and "office" are in fact the same latin root "officium" - You see it got official right as it talks about "authority" - An office is a seat / realm of authority and so it came to be used over time as a location, but what it's root really harkens back to is the person exercising the authority (think king, magistrate, judge, even clergy) these were all "office holders" who exercised their "office."

Thought you might be interested. What I did learn from you is that the iPhone has that handy function... of that I had no idea :)

@genxrev Yes, I am glad to have your input about the origins of the word official. I find it ironic how officially, anyone can appoint anyone and anything as officially something and it does not say much, other than... the person who is dealing out the accreditation is just as likely not carrying his or her own credentials as he or she is likely to actually being accredited. It goes on like this eternally. He was appointed by that guy who was appointe by the next guy appointed by the next guy- until the start. Why do we all agree to these rules? LOL know what I mean?
Also- glad the iphone trick worked for you. It is the little things that make the officially boring stuff more tolerable.
So - I like you.
Thanks for making me blah blah blah blah.

To bring it into the land of Steem... I would hold that everyone participating in this platform exercises the “office”of steemian, but I suspect I would be in the minority and even then there is no guarantee ever that a person would exercise the office well

I would like to stamp your serial-replies with my official stamp of approval. Like like like. 🤓

Now for the more thoughtful-ish... there are lots of “offices” that are entered into of their own authority simply by nature of entering into them. One does not require a “dubbing”authority to confer to parents the “office”of parent, raising a child does that. Spouses enter the “office”of marriage through vows the take of their own accord. Some offices are perhaps as you say conferred, but even in the origin, I suspect many were actually entered into fairly naturally... wise people were turned to for judgement, healers turned to to exercise their healing skills and gifts, that sort of thing.

I think it’s a more modern day invention to think that an office holder is only recognized because of their conferred status... and to that I wholly agree in the asking... why do we put up with that?

Don’t know why this showed up twice. Oh well. :
I would like to stamp your serial-replies with my official stamp of approval. Like like like. 🤓

My first thought was “wee, wee, wee”and then I thought that sounds gross... so now I’ll settle for ;)

Blah blah blah on good lady. ;)

Woww. Amazing tool
In addition to the built-in Define feature, there are other ways of defining words on iOS that don’t require manual dictionary downloads, including the following:

Use Google Search

If your device has an Internet connection, you can either use Google’s native application for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, or simply visit in Safari, and type “define” followed by a word you wish to look up the definition for.


Sometimes you can just type a word and have Google automatically define it for you. In the above example, I typed “assume” and Google immediately brought up the definition.

Another great way to search terms, yes.

I just learned by doing that the dictionary will show up and we could see the same word has a different meaning, whether all of a certain type or iphone so, whether already in the root?
Thanks @lorilikes

My trick on an Android is that I can buy 3rd party apps without censorship from Apple's maniacal commitment to control.

Oh, yay, maniacal is a great word!! 😍. It’s a favorite Word for me. Top 20 words I like most- it’s in the list.

Don't have an iPhone, so can't use that trick. I can click the extra dots on my android and "translate" the word. I already know what "official" is in English though, so it's not super helpful.

I think it's like "from the office of." Like I'm from the office of blah blah blah, so I'm their representative or something. @genxrev's sounds a lot cooler, but seems to line up.

Yes! I'm officially following you! I was approved by my head office to officially follow the official poster on your account. Please ensure you're the official person assigned to posting as I'm not officially authorized to follow non-official representatives of your account. Thank you.

Officially you’re as nuts as I am. I like it! 🤣

Are you official telling us that you write your Steemit article on an iPhone?
I started to use my iPad now for writing on Steemit too, but I feel like the iPhone is too small :D

About the definition: The other ones here have already gave good points :)

About the iPhone trick: Haven't even known my iPhone can do such things! Something learned again today, thank you!

Idea!!!! Check my next post :)

Indeed thats good tool for a quick check on ones word power.

great work really nice job..

Thanks bud.

Useful information @lorilikes. Thanks for sharing

Cool, glad it helped.

wow this is amazing i loved it .. i missed it but now i am here ...wo

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