AI Will Write For You Too

in #technology4 years ago

Artificial intelligence is fast growing in sophistication, we’ve only just started to scratch the surface of their powerful utility. Utilising AI in business makes sense, especially for companies that are already heavily invested in the technology. So it didn’t surprise me when reading over various reports of Microsoft replacing people with AI. An interesting part of this move is the core function of this work group who were contracted to write or as some on this network like to point out, 'spin' trending stories. Discovering and sharing happens all over the web and it makes sense that a company like Microsoft would provide assistive AI technologies to help discovery of trending topics to cover. News of this assistive technology went up a few months ago and it’s taken a very short period of time for the company to decide that they can probably get the same or better performance from an AI based writing bank.

I recall attending numerous talks about AI development and the classic machine against human job roles seemed like a reality to come, but perhaps a great number of years into the future. It seems this reality has arrived sooner rather than later as this is an example of an entire job role being phased out as legacy workforce. Out with the humans in with the machines, at least that it what it might seem but I am not so sure this will be a prominent trend. To put it bluntly, writing for MSN could and should probably be botted, I can’t remember the last time I went on MSN for any reason and I certainly won’t be starting to now.

AI writing headlines and content is an interesting concept overall. When growing businesses and trying to rank highly on SEO rankings, there is a lot to work through and many tools have been created over the years. AI has started to reach a point where it can do so much more than the standard worker and their tools. I imagine it will only be a matter of time before AI starts to produce songs, sing them. The construction industry might see urban planning, structural design and everything required for models of high fidelity to be created by advanced AI. It’s a powerful and perhaps eye opening precursor of things to come. Perhaps an AI generated shitpost is soon to be coming our way on the chain. I am not against AI systems but I do hope they will also be used to enrich and develop humanity to a better future.

Lockhart Tech Blogs

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