How to make money online - Youtube

in #technology6 years ago


Purpose of this post - To provide you basic information on how you can makae money online through youtube so that you could easily improve your financial life .

  1. Start a youtube channel - Starting a youtube channel is the simplest way to make money online with no investment . It is a platform which gets almost 5 billion video views per day which itself proves that youtube is a powerful video sharing platform on internet

Facts - Felix Kjellberg , has made 12 million dollars from his single youtube channel in 2017

Youtube is a suitable platform for those people who like to express themselves and their art/talent/skills to the world .

Benifits of youtube :

  1. You can post videos on topic/areas which you feel more interest in and then get paid for it

  2. Youtube is a passive money making platform , you just have to upload one video only one time and after that it will make money for you depends on ad clicks on video and cpc(cost per click) rate .

  3. You can express yourself in a very creative way and get paid for it suppose you love dancing ,sketching or you love yoga .So you can create a youtube channel to teach people about the skills you love .

Things you should know before starting a youtube channel :

  1. To start a youtube channel , you must have a Gmail account.
  2. You must have a unique name for your own youtube channel because it will improve your ranking in youtube .
  3. Your video content should be unique
  4. You must have a best quality mic or video recording , I am saying this because every small thing has the power to make a big difference .

Brief explaination of how one makes money on youtube :

Youtube is a video sharing platform which allows it's users to upload any right type of videos to share with the world . So youtube has a monetization facility which allow Google adsense ads to appear in between the videos or appear on particular place of a youtube video page

So suppose , if any user is watching a video on " Health benifits of _______ " , so if any ad pops up in between the video and that user click on that ad link because in reality that ad link would serve that viewer in some way . So for that click Google adsense will pay some part for monetization to youtube video creator based on cpc value

What is cpc ?

CPC stands for cost per click , which varies according to different keywords . Eg. Suppose " Motivation speech " can be a keyword with cpc 0.6$ , also " Motivational speakers " can be a keyword with cpc 1$

So when any visitor click on any ad appearing in between video or appearing on youtube page which has that keyword in it , then that amount will be given to youtube video creator in his adsense account . This is the basic idea of how youtube works .

Youtube monetization rules :

Channels will need 4,000 hours of annual viewing time and over 1,000 subscriber .

I can guide you if you have any queries , you can comment .

Happy to help you


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