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RE: Build project: Office computer - Episode 3 - Computer assembly

in #technology7 years ago

Can't reply further down too many nested replies...

You said - "What linux do you recommend me to try?"

If you just want to do general idea of linux and have an easy to use environment - Ubuntu
If you want to game on Linux - SteamOS

They both based on the same base OS, Debian, but both the above recommendation are more user friendly. Read some guides and ask for advice, if you have a new or unusual computer, you will need some not open source drivers, they won't be in there by standard sometimes.


What is difference between ubuntu and mint ?

Mint is based off both Ubuntu and/or Debian, they have different editions, which is based on what is included in it.

It adds a few things on top sometimes. Personally I'm not overall impressed, as you can install any of this via Ubuntu and Debian anyway usually.

Later OS versions have apparently reduced their differences, so it's really a personal preference, aslong as you know what you want installed.

If your looking for other software (linux) to install, I like a site like this, if your more familiar with the Windows equivalent.

Thank you a lot, I will need that link in a month :)

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