
Crashes are certainly a concern. I wouldn't worry about jobs though. For every job negated there is one created. Someone has to manufacture the technology, maintain it, etc. New jobs spring from the negation of old jobs.

joe did you know 'truck driver' is likely the most common job in USA, the displacement would be in fact effect one of the biggest professions ... replace with manufacture is already laughable given that is one of the most 'robotic' industries.

I personally have never met anyone in my life that was planning on making it their career goal to become a truck driver, have you? when was the last time a kid said they wanted to drive a truck? .. If you look into this profession you will see that it's becoming more difficult for them to recruit drivers, and perhaps this autonomous driving will help to meet that need If they are having difficulty finding people who want to do that job? I don't see anything wrong with a company or individuals choosing to voluntarily embrace this technology.

It is technology which has liberated us from much of the menial and hard work of the past,to the point now where people can be free now to spend their time trying to be full-time musicians, mathematicians, full-time youtubers, athletes, or fashion designers etc, rather than spending all of our day on hard labor simply trying to grow enough food for the family. Our standard of living has greatly increased because of the improvements in technology.

Maybe we should allow the robots to do the jobs that they are better at, rather than trying to compete with them, and instead we can be free to innovate and move on toward something better ? There will always be jobs that we will have an advantage over when it comes to AI, those which involve relationships, creativity, and human contact etc. so perhaps we should put attention at fostering what we are better at rather than fearing the technology and being too afraid to use it to try and make our lives better?

Yeah, I know. But you won't halt technology. It's coming whether we like it or not.
Robots have to be built too. They also have to be maintained, coded, etc.
When jobs are lost to technological advances, there are other jobs being created. Sometimes you have to dig and look up the supply stream a ways to find them, but someone has to make these things happen. It's probably not a 1 for 1 exchange, but it does exist.
Truck drivers will be around for a long time. My brother-in-law drives a rig that carries acid. How soon do you think it will be before they're willing to trust that hazard to coding?
It's kind of humorous how so many futuristic stories have people driving things. The fact is, we like it. While we can accomplish tasks when we don't have to take the wheel, there are times when that's all we want to do.

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