in #technology8 years ago (edited)

As I have been constantly interested in everything that is connected with technologies for a few years, and for another thing, the subject matter I am most interested in now is the problem of machine technologies development. So, here today I am going to share some information about machine intelligence with you, and furthermore to express my viewpoint for its future development, including the advantages of this technology in general.

What exactly is machine intelligence technology?

I am 100 % sure that almost everybody has heard the expressions “machine intelligence” or “machine technology” at least one time in their lives. Moreover, it can be very likely supposed, that if you were asked what exactly machine intelligence technology is, you actually would express your own opinion or viewpoint toward this subject matter. But could you actually be sure, that you have a correct vision of this technological phenomenon at least from the would-be scientific viewpoint? The major part of people, especially people, whose interests are in the field of science fiction films, imagine themselves “machine intelligence technology” in the form of sophisticated anthropomorphic robots like in the picture below.

If you are the follower of such a viewpoint, I dare say that you totally have an incorrect vision of this technology, at least of the one, how it looks like today. In our days none of the people could actually predict when the era of sophisticated manlike robots would actually start, but if to discuss the present machine intelligence technology, we would speak about the systems or algorithms, which are working like human intelligence, and are able to solve some set of tasks respectively.

Frankly speaking, we have been living in the world of machine intelligence comparatively for a long period of time. And it is worth mentioning that the top popular direction of machine intelligence development today is such a technology like neural networks, based on simulation of biological processes.
You can read about neural networks in my previous post devoted to this topic

These neural networks contain the same neurons, as they are in your head, working on the same principle as well, but just within some simplification applied toward the computer. It will be remarked that working principle of artificial neural networks is 1000-1500 times simpler than the working principle of the brains of a usual rat. At that, you also have to pay attention to the fact that it’s quite hard for the usual person to distinguish machine intelligence just from the technology, which basically simulates intelligence.

The contemporary world already uses machine intelligence technology.

The fact of the matter is that the contemporary world already started using machine intelligence technology. Moreover, the major part of people can’t even to name some of the spheres where machine intelligence technology is actually used.

Here can be provided a quite popular and obvious in some way example. Other words, the modern weather stations use the modern machine intelligence. If for instance, you looked through how the weather had been forecasted some dozens of years ago, you would actually see the real meteorologists, using a different kind of maps, and counting the direction of rain fronts movement, differences in temperature, etc.

Now these operations are performed within the application of machine intelligence technologies, which working principles are based upon a certain set of algorithms, making possible to forecast weather correctly.

One more interesting example of machine intelligence use is a merchandising field. I hope, everybody remembers those strange people, who are laying out the goods items in the stores, supermarkets, rarely in small shops. They are called merchandisers. As we all know the main purpose of merchandising is to make the customer buy the most valuable goods item. But maybe you will ask me now, why have I started speaking about merchandising.

Ok, let’s already speak about the use of machine intelligence in this sphere. If to recollect about the biggest European brands, they are using the brilliant system, which actually was implemented two years ago. This system monitors each customer via cameras, and then analyzing the manner of customers purchasing process and applying the certain set of algorithms, suggest the merchandisers ready done schemes of better laying out of goods items, giving an opportunity to the store owners in their turn to increase the sums of final till slips. Quite an amazing thing, isn’t it? And according to the statistics, it should be mentioned, that this system works 14-18 times better and much more effectively than the real merchandiser actually.

Sure, machine intelligence is widely used in many other fields, which can be discussed for very long periods of time, but here in my article, I have chosen two most interesting examples, demonstrating in the best way, as I think, the potential efficiency of machine intelligence use.

How to elaborate machine intelligence?

As I am constantly reading a really huge scope of information about machine intelligence, here I would try to explain you the way of machine intelligence elaboration.

  1. The first, what we actually need to start developing machine intelligence technologies is to form an image, consisting of large sets of different information, taken from various information channels.
  2. Education. Here under the term “education” I mean the transformation of information traffic into information field.
  3. The use of information field. Under the expression “the use of information field” I actually mean the storage of various newly created images and their inner coordination as well.
  4. Imagination. Here I mean the simulation of human’s imagination based on the information fields and images available.

Here I have enumerated some of the essential points, which would actually help you to understand the mechanism of machine intelligence development, and also I want to emphasize that this algorithm isn’t a 100% fact, but only the representation of my viewpoint toward the elaboration process of machine intelligence technology.

How could machine intelligence affect the world?

Despite the fact, that contemporary world uses machine intelligence technologies, I dare say for sure that this technology is only on the start way of its development. But as for me, I think that machine intelligence will be a very useful assistant for the humanity in the future because many of the tasks will be resolved with a help of exactly this technology. Moreover, I may say that in some cases this technology may work much more efficient than the certain person does, like in the example of merchandising system, but as I have just said, this technology is only on the start way of its development and can’t work independently of human to meet all of the conditions of the certain sphere of activity.

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I just hope the machine intelligence makes it. There will be a lot of scared, short sighted people looking to strangle it in the crib.

I feel that Steemit is helping to create A.I. by analizing human interactions here.

From what I have read in this regard, there are various views about how the future of AI will unfold. Notably, some scientists believe that when machine intelligence finally exceeds human intelligence, there will be a singularity. After this point, humans may be at best irrelevant. Because the self-conscious and super-intelligent machines will be much smarter than humans who may not even be able to understand the thoughts of the thinking machines. This is a seriously scary future. But I think that at some point in the future, humans will start integrating the machines with themselves. So, maybe there will never be machines smarter than humans, but humans themselves will become more and more intelligent.

I admit this turn of events because I utterly surprised how fast machine learning algorithms are developed, especially self-learning algorithms. Thus at some point in time, we can have something like in Terminator movie when machines fight against humanity.
IMO finally people could realize that they went too far. Even google try to sell Boston Dynamics that is most advanced company in AI

I hope all these technologies appear quickly and our world will change.

technologies are developed rapidly but it takes time to properly adopt them

That is the preally a problem. You are right.

Excellent piece of article on machine Intelligence. I perfectly agree to your point about the technological advancement but i also see a big trouble heading our way if we don't adopt to the changes. My main concern is about technological unemployment. If machines start getting over us and start to take away our job then what would the value of money be. Are they going to be worthless since there will be less and less work for mankind.

Hi, illusiveman. Sorry for the late response, I was away from the computer all the day.
It's a very good question. If unemployment will increase due to a rapid takeover of human responsibilities by machines, what will people do? Just get some cash transfers and spend it on their entertainments? or they will do some mental work for which machines are not capable?

Nano technology holds a lot of promise for many things most notably curing disease. They stand a better chance of accomplishing their mission once inside a body if they have the ability to learn and adapt quickly. This could be seen as a form of machine intelligence.

Technologies for disease curing are very complicated. And it would be great if drugs could adapt and learn on specific disease. I've never thought that machine intelligence can be used in this way

Nice read, you earn one more follower :-)
One argument that support your conclusion is Tesla autopilot data. Machines stay right in the center of the way, while humans have the tendency to wiggle a little bit on the left, a little more on the right :-)

thanks for this example, @jako. Machines are more robust than people in many aspects but they can't adopt to extreme situations and can work mostly just upon pre-specified patterns.
Tesla is doing great job in developing autopilot, but what if the road doesn't has a markup?(pretty regular situation in Russia). And it's a bit strange that this distribution is Gaussian. I assume it's based rather on simulation than on experimental data

Actually it is based on the data collected from sensors of Tesla cars than collectively traveled millions of miles across the US (with 2 positions, autopilot off, autopilot on)

Very interesting article. If the development of technology keeps up the speed I would not be surprised if in 10-20 years most of the work humans carry out would be replaced by robots.

Will see how far this technology will go. The only question is what will people do if all the work will be performed by machines?

make new and better
fix the machines that break...

Very nice piece of text! Thanks a lot for sharing!

thanks for your feedback. Stay tuned to learn more

I definitely will :)

AI is going to replace human one way or another..check mine,a story of how a girl getting strong throught years.

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