The story of Elon Musk and his companies From close to bankruptcy to the colonization of Mars

in #technology8 years ago (edited)

 Playboy, millionaire and philanthropist — known fact that the prototype of the movie Tony Stark was Elon Musk.  I suggest to remember all the ups and downs of an entrepreneur — from the failed launch of the first company at the age of 12, and is close to bankruptcy prior to the contract with NASA, and the ambitious plans for the exploration and colonization of Mars. 

 The first projects 

 The first company, which was founded by Musk, became the startup Zip2. The entrepreneur has launched a project together with his brother Cimbalom in 1995. Zip2 produced software that allows news publications, the ability to post content to the Internet and to offer its customers additional paid services.

One of the investors in the company was fond Mohr Dawidov Ventures. The Foundation's partners began to plan the resale of Zip2, but Mask convinced them that her potential is not yet fully solved and in the future, the startup may cost more.

In the number of customers Zip2 included such publications as The New York Times, Pulitzer Publishing. In 1998, the company's management announced the upcoming merger with CitySearch. The deal was never closed, and a year later — in 1999 — a startup bought the Compaq organization, paying for Zip2 $304 million Elon musk, whose share in the company at that time was 7%, got $20 million. 

 Elon Musk became a millionaire in 28 years. 

 It is noteworthy that the programming Mask have learned in 10 years — but 12 have already sold their own shooting game Blast Star for $500. He even wanted to start his own business of manufacturing of arcade games, but could not receive official permission., PayPal and disagreements in the Board of Directors 

 In 1999, after selling his first company, Musk has created — payment system via e-mail. In 2000 merged with Confinity, which included the electronic payment service PayPal, founded by Peter Thiel. 

 Very smart, very charismatic, awesome passionate man — an extremely rare combination of traits. Usually people with at least one of them, deprived of the other two. It was somewhat scary to compete with his start-up from Palo Alto in 1999-2000.  — Peter Thiel about Elon musk 

 The management plans it was a merger of two payment systems, the vision of the Mask differed from the views of other members of the Board of Directors. Internal disagreements over the forced resignation of the Mask in 2000 but retained his stake in the company (the largest of all owners — 11.7 per cent).

In PayPal, the project was renamed after leaving Elon. In February 2002, the organization placed its shares on the stock exchange, and in October was bought by eBay for $1.5 billion in the Mask got $165 million — more than half the value of his previous company. 

 SpaceX and ambitious plans for the colonization of Mars 

 In 2002, Elon Musk founded Space Exploration Technologies Company (SpaceX) the first private company to carry out flights into space. Musk has invested in its development more than $100 million, However, few believed that a private company is able to compete with government space agencies. 

 One doubted the success of the Mask is entrepreneur Peter Thiel has invested in SpaceX. In his own words, he did this not only because Elon knew and believed in his dedication, but because you thought space travel was an important stage of development for the community, and SpaceX was considered potentially very profitable investment.

In 2006, tested the first rocket SpaceX Falcon1. As a result, the engineers managed to launch Malaysian satellite. In 2008, Musk was signed a sensational contract with NASA is worth $1.6 billion under the deal, SpaceX had to carry out 12 flights to the international space station. The Treaty put an end to disputes about whether space flights have become cheaper and whether a commercial organization to compete with NASA.

In 2012, the head of SpaceX has announced its plans for the exploration and colonization of Mars. He intended to land on Mars first, a small number of people — 10-15 people — and a large amount of useful goods with them (up to 100 tons). Later, according to his calculations, the colony could be expanded to 80 thousand people. According to the businessman, the exploration of Mars will allow to set the price for transport flights to the planet at $500 thousand which is "quite acceptable" for people in the developed countries, as well as to initiate exploration of other planets.

On the idea of the entrepreneur, along with the first colonists on Mars will be required to go machine for industrial production of methane and oxygen,and a large number of other equipment. 

 Plan Mask is that with each new flight to send to Mars materials to build transparent domes, which can then be inflated with oxygen, to recreate the way a human atmosphere. These domes will become more and more, and each time the number of materials loaded into another transport ship will be reduced — making room for more people.

Of course, said Musk, who is also the chief engineer of SpaceX, initially, such flights will be carried out not very often because of their high cost.

Concerning the technical aspect of the project is to transport cargo system will be developed for the Mars Colonial Transporter. What it is, SpaceX and Musk himself has not disclosed. I say only that this is a completely new system, which didn't exist before then. To present her plan at the end of 2015. In the same year, according to Elon, will see the light and a new space suit from Rasah. The company's CEO promises that he will not only be functional but also looks appropriate the aesthetics of the 21st century — and that is why it is so long to develop. To achieve both, according to the Mask, is very difficult.

The company had already developed a space engine for this mission — Raptor. It is available in two versions — standard and vacuum. 

 The Failure Of SpaceX 

 In fact, the company is not so rosy. A lot of headaches Mask delivered the third generation of launch vehicles the Falcon is a two — step Falcon9R.

In 2014, the tests of the rocket, the Falcon 9R, identical Falcon9, the spacecraft exploded. Immediately after the launch. According to the representative of SpaceX's John Taylor, in the rocket engine was discovered an "anomaly" that led to the triggering of an automatic system cancellation of the flight. 

 10 January 2015 saw another launch of the carrier rocket has already been more successful: the satellite successfully reached orbit, but gently plant the first stage of the Falcon9 was not possible — she's too tough landed on a special platform and part of the equipment was severely damaged.

However, representatives of SpaceX and do not too highly estimate the probability of a successful landing of the first stage — it was, according to their calculations, about 50%. 

 Financial results 

 Elon Musk plans to significantly reduce the cost of the spacecraft into space. Now the price of one launch of the carrier rocket Falcon9 is from $56 to $77 million, while the launch of the Russian Proton and the European Ariane 5 cost $100 million and $200 million respectively. However, the payload mass of Proton is almost two times more (23 tons to 13 tons), so about a serious reduction in price to speak while early.

Embed SpaceX shares on the stock exchange has not happened yet — the company remains private. It is profitable, and, according to the publication the Motley Fool, shared income SpaceX for 12 years of its existence amounted to $4 billion. 


 In 2004, Musk invested in a manufacturer of electric cars Tesla $70 million of personal funds and headed the Board of Directors of the company.

The first car produced by company was the Tesla Roadster. It was based on the Lotus Elise, produced by Lotus company Cars. Engineers have replaced all the "stuffing" of the machine, and the place of the petrol engine set 6381 battery.

Start of serial production Roadster has been scheduled for September 2007, but it turned out that the cost of car is much higher than its scheduled market value. Followed by massive layoffs (in addition to the many employees were laid off and one of the founders of the company Martin Eberhar), search for new suppliers and processing main components of the electric vehicle, and the release of the first car was delayed. The company was so bad that Musk has decided to raise the price already pre-ordered the car — which naturally caused a wave of discontent among buyers and excitement in the press.

In 2008 he released the first batch of the Tesla Roadster. In the end, instead of the planned $25 million for putting the car on the market the company had to spend $140 million In 2009, Tesla announced the Model S — a sedan of premium-class. Immediately after this the organization was able to raise $50 million additional investment. 

 In 2010, the company was overtaken by even greater problems. After the release of the first batch Roadster Musk, who had already occupied the post of General Director of the company, announced that it plans to offer Tesla's shares on the stock exchange. For an IPO it would take $100 million, but to invest in the organization there was no hurry. Then, Elon has decided to Finance the company from its own funds.

Simultaneously, the market went the second batch Roadster, which after a short time after, she was discovered a factory defect. During the operation it became clear that low voltage wire that feeds the headlights, turn signals and airbags, can peretiraetsya and cause a short circuit in the area of the front right headlight. Such a defect, according to the company, could occur in 459 cars. Tesla had to announce the recall of a defective batch. 

 The company was on the verge of bankruptcy. 

 In June 2010, Tesla held an IPO. Despite the gloomy forecasts of analysts, the price for one share of the company increased by 41%, and the manufacturer of electric cars were able to raise $226 million

Delivery of Tesla Model S in the United States started in 2012. Limited edition of 1000 cars was quickly sold out. In 2013, the car was voted the safest in the world according to the rating system the NHTSA. 

 Due to the successful placement of the shares and the release of its second electric car, the company managed to pay the government credit and even first time in their history to finish the quarter with no losses (first quarter 2013). While this is only one fiscal quarter, Tesla Motors closed with a profit.

6 Oct 2014 Tesla unveils new car — the Model S P85D. Its main difference from its predecessor was the presence of a full drive. Model S can accelerate to 100 km per hour in just 3.2 seconds. Also in October, the company announced the launch of the programme of return of cars Model S — they will be resold by the company at half price. 

 At the time of writing the value of one share of Tesla Motors is $191,87, 10 times more than the price of one share after the company's IPO — $17,40. Capitalization manufacturer of electric cars is $24,15 billion. 


 Project Elon musk SolarCity is also notable for its ambition. The company, founded by entrepreneur in 2006, is engaged in the production of solar panels to generate electricity. SolarCity is one of the leading suppliers of such panels in the world. 

 By 2040, according to Musk, the solar energy will provide up to 40% of all electricity in the world. The entrepreneur plans to establish a "zero waste" to send worn-out car batteries for power. The fact that even worn out 30% battery already unusable in the electric and power plant able to serve many more years. 

 Transport of the future Hyperloop 

 In 2012, Elon Musk, in addition to the announcement about their plans for the conquest of space, has announced yet another project — a high-speed pipeline transport Hyperloop. The idea is similar to the capsule, which in large offices deliver documents to other departments — only the size in human growth. In one such capsule should fit 28 people. 

 A year after this Musk revealed the plan to the specifications of the project. The pipe diameter is 2.2 meters, and the capsule itself will have a diameter of 1,35х1,1 meters. To move through the pipes, the transport will be due to the low pressure maintained in the pipeline, aerodynamics and pumping air into the formed gap between the surfaces.

Hyperloop will enable you to cover the distance of 550 km in less than half an hour. In addition, a ticket for a capsule promises to cost pretty cheap, because the construction of the Hyperloop-line will cost much cheaper than the Railways.

January 15, 2015, the owner announced his intention to build a special track for testing vehicles. According to preliminary information, the project will be implemented in Texas. To test their capsules, it will be able research and student teams, and possibly in the future, will be organized competitions among these teams. 

 A struggle for the safety of artificial intelligence 

 Another area that interests Mask — the development of artificial intelligence. He admits that he feared a repetition of the story, described in numerous movies like "the Terminator" — therefore, in order to prevent the uprising of the machines, trying to keep abreast of all the associated with artificial intelligence research.

In March 2014, Musk invested $40 million in the company Vicarious FPC, engaged in the development of artificial intelligence. The founders of the project intend to copy the region of the cerebral cortex responsible for sensory perception, thinking, motor skills, speech, and converted into software code.

In June 2014 the businessman stated that the company like SkyNet could be created within five years — and mankind should think how to prevent this. In October at the Symposium MIT entrepreneur noted that, in his opinion, the development of artificial intelligence is akin to the invocation of the devil "calling demons is also always sure to be able to control them". Some researchers have supported his concerns, saying he fears the Mask — "not so crazy".

15 January 2015 became aware of the fact that Musk has sent $10 million to the Institute, dedicated to research in the field of security human future. He also drafted a letter for scientists, which described in detail what they have to do, how to dispose of the money received, and what goals they face. 

 Relationships with employees 

 Elon musk is a good strategist and an ambitious entrepreneur, but as a leader he is tough enough. Admit it the majority of The Wall Street Journal former and present colleagues Mask.

Former Tesla engineer Brett foster, now working at Samsung, admitted that the culture of the company really pushed for it, but the atmosphere of constant struggle, it was most unpleasant — and therefore foster very happy that we went from Tesla. Other employee of the manufacturer of electric cars said that the Mask does not exist the word "no" — and some of his solutions seem like the employees completely reckless, and sometimes even stupid. 

 Vice President of Tesla's public relations Ricardo Reyes believes that Musk can't understand that not all people can work as much as he works. Musk charged on the result. It requires its employees constant activity and dedication. Everyone should be concerned with achieving a common goal. His perfectionism did the work and even the lives of some of colleagues is very difficult.

Employees of Tesla, who wished to remain anonymous, told The Wall Street Journal that those who did not agree with the Mask, usually long in the company are not delayed. Worth it one time to formulate their positions — as after a while they somehow resign themselves or at the request of management.

#technology #peoples 


nice biography. Thanks for sharing!

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