Black Stallion Reincarnated: AMD ThreadRipper 1950x Extreme Performance PC Lives!

in #technology7 years ago

After far too damn long without a proper PC after the untimely demise of my previous Ryzen 1800x CPU I'm extremely excited as well as elated to announce I'm back up an running with a brand new Ryzen 1950x CPU based workstation..! This processor is a f*ckin' BEAST!

Managed to pick it up for a touch over $1000 CAD during a boxing day sale on newegg!

For a supporting motherboard an MSI Gaming Carbon X399 was purchased, while out of the box it wasn't able to boot the 1950x after a quick and easy firmware update via USB and a quick re-seating of the CPU she fired up! Nearly lost it on initial POST failure mind you.. lol

The motherboard also supports 4x crossfire at full bandwidth... May have to grab some more RX580 cards and check it out, granted with the mining boom going on right now it seems it's nearly impossible to find and GPUs at a decent price...

Ryzen Threadripper 1950x.. w00t!

First off its worth mentioning that this processor is absolutely beyond overkill for your average PC user, however in the race to yield the biggest e-peen as well as create a "future proof" high performance workstation hopefully not needing upgrade for the next 5 years it was decided the addage "go big or go home" would be used as a creed when rebuilding my PC.

Boasting 16 logical processors and 32 threads clocked at 4.0Ghz the sheer amount of brute force computing power avialable to this platform is basically absurd for lack of a better term.

With an effective ~128 Ghz of buzzing processor and a new solid state drive to host a fresh install of Winblows 10 Pro the computer boots to login in less than 4 seconds from cold start. Installing software and drivers was almost instant. While I was incredibly impressed with the 1800x CPU that was the predecessor in this build I can safely say this new 1950x runs friggin' circles around it. Absolutely phenomenal speed!

Benchmarks & Nerd-Porn

Future Upgrades

It's become obvious I need MOAR storage space so some solid state drives will likely get added to the mix as time goes on.. A new PC case might be needed too.. Seems my old case wasn't set up for a large liquid cooling setup! Oh well, It's all a learning experience really.


for Witness!


Boasting 16 logical processors and 32 threads clocked at 4.0Ghz the sheer amount of brute force computing power avialable to this platform is basically absurd for lack of a better term.


Bigger is better.... MOAR!


Could You make a photo of PC case? What is that?

Wow.. Great technology, like it

This processor is a f*ckin' BEAST!

The computer boots to login in less than 4 seconds from cold start.

wait what?

Like seriously 4secs?

I think am in love

wonderful technology, good mordean science,,
nice post, thanks for sharing

Nice post thanks for sharing

Sounds like a lot of mumbo jumbo to me. One of the only things I got out of this was that you have a big E-peen haha. Happy new year bud

Crazy processor!

The thing that struck me most with this CPU (a friend got one not too long ago) is how much the damn thing weighs. It has some serious silicon in it!

The click from the torx screws is mildly disturbing, but it would probably take a train to destroy the IHS, those things are solid!

Wow, That's a solid come back, at the right time when Steem is zooming.

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