Machines Learn To Lip Sync

in #technology7 years ago

This breakthrough in Machine Learning is not easy to write about. So just watch the video below from researchers at the University of Washington, just released yesterday, and let them explain it to you. Then continue reading for a really interesting coincidence about how Hollywood movie concepts from the past, eventually turns into real life.

The Running Man

How many of you out there remember the movie The Running Man starring Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Here is a descriptive plot of the movie from Wikipedia...

The film's story, set in a dystopian United States between 2017 and 2019, is about a television show called "The Running Man", where convicted criminal "runners" must escape death at the hands of professional killers.

The movie was released to theaters in 1987 and if you notice the target year for when the movie takes place... Yea, 2017!

In the Running Man, the network running the television show had this Lip Syncing technology, so they could fake anyone, saying anything on video whenever they wanted. Of course they used the technology for pure evil and it was up to Arnold and his girlfriend to stop them.

In the following scenes from the movie, the television network uses the technology in several instances to setup Arnold, have him arrested, and publicly executed... On TV!


Lip syncing is an amazing technology that has been around for a long time and its usage has been extensively explored by the entertainment industry. Just like every technology geared towards achieving something good, you can only fear for it misuse. For the Lip sync technology, as seen in that video of Obama, one can only fear for it being used mischievously in creating fake news or videos to defame the character of an individual. The tragedy of it misapplication is the fact that a large percentage of the public are oblivious of such technology, the possibility of it usage in real life scenarios, and above all very likely to swallow the content or message from such video hook line and sinker. Great post! Look forward to seeing more interesting post like this from your blog.. Followed & Upvoted!

Wow thanks for the input. Great review, great points, well put! Exactly what I was thinking.

This is crazy interesting to me. I had watched a video yesterday that is not exactly the same as your link, but they fall within the category of the tech is getting too good for our own good slow down please lol

The learning lip sync is disturbing, first I have seen this. It's going to be a sad and weird day when people stop trusting electronic devices all together because they never learned how they worked and just went into fear mode like so many do.

Further evidence that seeing is no longer believing unless you are there and view it with your naked eyes.

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