Space 2018: Better Late than Never.

in #technology6 years ago (edited)


If you did not know, just know its going to be a good year in space and the new players are aiming high and higher. The Indian Space Research Organisation intended to send Chandrayaan-2, an uncrewed orbiter, lander and rover, to the moon in March.

In July, Japan’s Hayabusa 2 spacecraft will arrive at its target, the asteroid 162173 Ryugu, in an effort to return samples of this space rock to Earth.

And in June, China will launch the first part of its mission to the “Dark side” of the moon, Chang’e 4, which will position a communications satellite 60,000 km beyond the Moon to provide a link with Earth. That 425 kg. relay satellite will also guide the second element of the mission, a lander and rover, down to a soft landing on the far side of the Moon, where nobody has gone before.

One benefit of being on the far side is that the Moon blocks out stray radio signals from Earth, so the view of the radio spectrum of the universe is far better.

But the Chang’e 4 lander will also carry seeds and insects to test whether plants and animals can be grown on the Moon.

The container will literally send potatoes, Arabidopsis seeds and silkworm eggs to the surface of the Moon. The eggs will hatch into silkworms, which can produce carbon dioxide, while the potatoes and seeds emit oxygen through photosynthesis. Together, they can establish a simple ecosystem on the Moon. Very simple, but the first step towards a human presence on the Moon.

The older space powers are also breaking new ground. Russia is testing a nuclear engine this year that could cut space travel time to Mars from 18 months to just six weeks.

In October the European Space Agency will launch a mission to Mercury. NASA’s InSight Mars lander will launch in May, and the American agency’s OSIRIS-Rex vehicle will rendezvous with near-Earth asteroid Bennu in August and start taking sample for return to Earth.

But the main event of the year, beyond doubt, is the planned launch of Elon Musk’s Falcon Heavy Vehicle from Cape Canaveral. (The launch window opened on Jan 2015). It’s guaranteed to be exciting though there is a real good chance that it doesn’t make it into orbit. This is known as “lowering expectation,” but is also known as realism.


Falcon Heavy will boost two-and-a-half times the payload of any existing rocket into Low Earth orbit: more than 50tonnes. Moreover, both the main rocket and the two boosters strapped onto it are designed to return to Earth and land, ready for reuse, which would transform the economics of putting things into orbit.

It almost certainly will all work eventually, but this is effectively a new design, not just an upgrade, and there are many elements in a big vehicle like Falcon Heavy that cannot be tested on the ground. The aerodynamics are different, the stresses are different and nobody has ever launched a vehicle with 27 rockets before. The old Adage: Anything Can Happen And Probably Will.

Yet Elon Musk is also one of the greatest showmen and self-publicists of our time, so he’s an inveterate optimist.
It is easy to be carried away by hope, of course, but after Falcon Heavy comes NASA’s Space Launch System vehicle, which is designed to put 70tons into Low Earth Orbit, with a follow-on version capable of 130tons (although its rockets will not be reusable). And Musk’s future plans include the BFR that would really go to Mars.

These are the sort of vehicles we need if we really serious about getting out into space in a big way.The last of the Apollo Moon landings on TV in 1972 presumed that we would be seeing rockets like this by the early 1980s. Instead the money was cut , and then the Cold War ended.


The whole enterprise was mothballed for over 40 years, except for unmanned interplanetary ,issions and a low-orbit International Space Station. But this year it does feel like we are back on track and going somewhere. Forty wasted years, but better late than never.


Hi, I found some acronyms/abbreviations in this post. This is how they expand:

BFRBig Falcon Rocket (2017 enshrinkened edition),Yes, the F stands for something else; no, you're not the first to notice
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