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RE: Is the World Ready For Universal Basic Income?

in #technology5 years ago

Great post. I think (at least in the US) there is a lot of cultural and political opposition to UBI due to the misconception that it's a free lunch for those who refuse to work. But especially as the jobs lost to automation become so prevalent that even skewed reporting of unemployment stats can't gloss over it, people with start to understand and it will enter public discourse.

Many of the trials also have rules on who is included to participate, but in a real world scenario there may be an influx of outsiders flocking into a jurisdiction where UBI is implemented to get in on the action. That would be a challenge to control if UBI was not truly universal (global.) And while governments are good at handing out money, they are not good at doing anything global (except for maybe war.)

But if the need is great enough, I think we can get there. Thanks, and again, great read!


Hey @kevingblogger

You make some great points there and I agree anything with this kind of far reaching implications are going to have some serious teething issues and we're going to make mistakes and in the eyes of the pubic waste money but the lessons we learn on how we progress as a society will be well worth the spend in the end I feel.

I think this is is one of those cases where we cannot be penny rich and pound foolish. For sure the US, US, China and India will be hit the hardest by automation and UBI will probably be tried in thise regions first, many will want to get a piece of the pie.

This could be an amazing chance for blockchain and crypto to go mainstream as we could now have immutable public records with encrypted data hosting all UBI holders and what they receive, when they receive it and to an extent what they spend it on.

The data we get from this will go a long way into proving the use case, finding improvements or scrapping it all together. Unless we can measure it correctly we cannot judge its real impact at scale. Either way its going to be an interesting time for the world

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