AI Now Making User Interfaces

in #technology7 years ago

This is just another thing that's going to change everything. Imagine, millions of people who can't program suddenly able to effortlessly create apps, websites, games, and Steem front ends just by drawing up how they want it to look and then having an AI algorithm program it.

At present, it takes a lot of work to do any of these things. This tech will eventually enable people with ideas, but without enough technical know-how or time, to make things that high-level coders would never bother with, either because there's little profit potential because it's a niche audience, or simply because they aren't familiar with the many fields outside of programming that could benefit from new and creative apps.

Check out the video below.


Ah yes it's crazy. I heard that Google had a very developed AI to program software. I will follow you because I am a geek and your discoveries are awesome. Thank you

Yep, crazy stuff man. I am only half geek, so I'm interested in this stuff, but I don't have a lot of time to learn programming. I just know a little python and enough HTML and CSS to get by.So I really am looking forward to these things maturing so I can make the stuff I want to make without having to be a full time programmer.

If this happens, it would be awesome because I have some great ideas :D @kendewitt

As do I. At least I think they're great ;)

Some said that people got confused between expert systems and AI. Intelligence can happen or be created by programming languages?! True AI should work by itself?! no programming needed?

As far as I know, AI needs to be programmed directly, or developed through machine learning, which is the latest method of creating AI. Either way, programming is involved.

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