🎬📺 7 Awesome New Innovations! The Future Is Now!📺🎬

in #technology8 years ago (edited)

MUST SEE VIDEO! In keeping with sirwinchesters cool blog with ( video ) He posted recently on "The Microsoft Holo Lens "and a comment he returned to me about how our technolgy is becoming closer to what we see in sci fi movies ,and how interesting the future will be! Heres a link to the awesome post and newest gadget that can be bought for 3,000.00 dollars.
https://steemit.com/sirwinchester/@sirwinchester/the-microsoft-hololens#@sirwinchester/re-karenmckersie-re-sirwinchester-the-microsoft-hololens-20161017t150725647z I then replied back , how the future technology is moving so fast i cant keep up! Lol!
I couldnt wait to share this video my son sent to me from YouTube! Where the future definitely is now! This video will possibly blow you away and show you 7 of the newest innovations in technology gagetry, that are actually not in future , but that the future is NOW! Im 53 years old, and it just simply amazes me every day as i can only imagine if the future is now, then whats in the future for my boys and their future children! WOW! IT BLOWS ME AWAY! THATS SPRAY ON FABRIC!

YouTube video!

I will list here the 7 product innovations you will see in the video! Also below the video on YouTube you will find links to each product for more information on that exact item!
#1) A quadrafoil Electric Watercraft, that lets you ride the waves above the water!
#2) A Ninja Mask, lets you go diving with ease!
#3) A Hoverboard, That only 6 people in the world can currently ride!
#4) A Luna 360 degree Camera, thats shaped like a pool ball, waterproof, has built inWiFi and is magnetic!
#5) A Knocki , for $79.00 This is what the future of the clapper is!
#6) A Smart Ring, it goes on your finger like a ring and allows you to text or message in mid air just by gesturing !
#7) A Spray On Cotton Fabric from London , you need to see it to believe it! And in the future the innovation will be able to spray on bandages! Can you immagine that!
Heres a link for the Hoverboard! WITH A COOL GLOW IN THE DARK PHOTO OF IT!

So you got to check out this video, it really is pretty cool! A couple of these like the Ring and the Knocki will make people think you have magic! Lol! And i sure hope checks it out as i know he enjoys futuristic EVERYTHING ! as much as i do! And all of my fellow steemians! 💙👍💙
Thanks in advance for any upvotes and reblogs! All replys or comments are much appreciated ! STEEMING ON! ♨ 👍♨

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