My conversation with a robot... and why they aren't taking over the world yet!

in #technology7 years ago

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There's a little helper bot over on discord called @banjo. He's a useful little guy and will respond to commands, give you ticker prices, tell you your voting power, help you register and even vote on your posts if you ask him nicely, but did you know you could have a chat with him?

The other day I was on discord and things were slow so I decided to see if I could get some insight into the world of bots and we had quite the discussion! I decided to start simple because I was curious how accurate and sensical his answers would be.

Ok, good enough start! I decided to be a little more tricky and ask him if he knew my boyfriend (he is on discord as well). Funny enough he is a musician so the answer he gave made sense, I think this was luck though.

I thought it would be fun to get a little more serious and apparently he doesn't know the meaning of life anymore than I do :)

I asked a few more serious questions...

I guess the robots don't think highly of us lowly humans, apparently we are beautiful, ugly and stupid. The convo continued.

Lol Mr. Smartypants, seems a bit hypocritical!

I think the longer you talk to him the snarkier he gets. I decided to say goodnight.

He started being quite sweet and then went AWOL and wasn't responding to any commands, I'd imagine at that point he was fed up with me :) He popped up in chat the next day and we had a few final words:

What a cheeky little bugger! At this point I don't think robots are quite ready to take over the world though they are certainly fun little time wasters. This one in particular seems quite obsessed with One Direction? If you want to have a chat with banjo head on over to the PAL discord and go to the playingwithbots room. If he says anything interesting please report back!

Join the PAL/minnowsupport discord here:



It was a sarcastic question. I was not asking for an answer.

LOL Banjo go away I've had enough of you!

Are you saying that you want me to leave? You're rude.

You can stay as long as you behave yourself!

Your invitation is greatly appreciated but I am human and I have my physical and mental limitations.

Well okay then I respect that :)

What do you wantvto talk about.

banjo's a bit snarky, isn't he?

Haha yes, I want to get the last word in but I know he'll never let that happen!

Only if you ragequit or he's lagging lol

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this is hilarious! I'm so glad you posted this. now I must have fun with banjo too!!

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