Fighting weeds in crops with lasers - Perhaps the use of Monsanto's pesticides in the planet is coming to an end?

A group of scientists at the University of Bonn in Germany are developing a robotic tool that can identify weeds in crops and eliminate them by firing lasers.

The first thing I think of is the reduction of the use of pesticides that will achieve this technology when it can be put to use at industrial level.


And I say reduction for to not be very optimistic because if it is achieved well, it could get to eliminate the use of pesticides completely across the planet. That would be a big step in the fight against that death industry that is the Monsanto company, its "Round up" and all its generically modified seeds .... Ah! Dreaming costs nothing ;-)

In addition to what represents to our health the elimination of pesticides in the daily food. I do not think it is necessary to add anything here, the benefit is evident by preventing those poisons from entering our body.

The robotic system is designed to use deep learning algorithms.


All this to be able to carry out the task of scarce. The system needs to recognize the bad grass and shoot a small laser pulse, which will weaken its vitality. Of course the scientists are also forecasting the vehicle in which this system is mounted, for now an all-terrain with cameras mounted to the sides and GPS or at least, that's the idea they have.

The truth is that it seems to me a fantastic project and from what I read, scientists have been given permission to create a company and work on the project at a more industrial level.

If you want to know more information here I leave the link where I learned about this new invention with a lot of future ahead.

Follow me @juanmiguelsalas


That would be amazing and necessary for the planet.

Think the same. One new alternative to the pesticides it is necessary! Thanks for the comment @creative-life :)


Interesting but what would keep Monsanto from buying the tech? Monsanto is already owned by a German company just down the road.

hmmm this is true, Monsanto was buy it by Bayer not so long ago. Well lets hope for the best :) Thanks for to remark this important point @myroadtours and for your comment :)

Don't get me wrong, I would love to see this happen. Fingers crossed!

I complete understand you :) Finger crossed here too!

My reaction after reading ur post.

hahaha lol! Hey do you live in Berlin? There is a meeting today for steemers here :)

Nope. Sorry dude dont live in Berlin.

Ankit from India

Oooh very cool. I really do hope we live in a time soon that we don't need pesticides on our foods.

That would be a dreamland @vegetarianbaker :) even if I am not vegetarian but I can appreciate a good vegetal without pesticide also ;) Thanks for your comment!

Surely a dreamland. I have my own garden and I try to keep that all as natural as possible.

I have this in Cuba, here in Germany it is more difficult for me to do that. But sometimes i get some vegetal from the garden of a friend ;)

Thats nice. :) Maybe some window herbs may be best for you.

I have tried but.. it is not the same. I am use o live in a house and now I live in a building. Complete different!

Very true. I'm lucky to have a little plot of land that the house is on. I have a lot of new veggies and fruits growing.

I miss the must mango, avocado and banana trees! :( Without my mangos Im not a normal person :D lol!

firing lasers, what could possibly go wrong! :) better than nasty stuff in our food, as long as it does not set the field on fire ;)

as long as it does not set the field on fire

hehehe lol yes, it should not do that ;) Thanks for pass by @teamhumble

Interesting. I've always thought it'd only be a matter of time until we had nano-robots that worked like small insects but only targeting weeds. I guess this could be seen as a step in that direction.

Yes, it is on that direction I also can imagine... but for now more with a "Jedi" style ;) with a laser blade. Thanks for the comment @dispatches!

Wow that is incredible. The future is here!

The vehicle these are mounted to, perhaps it will be solar powered? More reduction in harm to the planet. :)

That would be a nice idea, but in Germany you do not have so much sun the majority part of the year, would be no so good at least for this region of the planet but of course in another one. Thanks for the comment @alchemage :)

Ahh, that makes sense....Hydrogen powered!

You got a point there ;)

Better stop wearing my grass suit while picking vegetables in the garden, that space laser might hurt!

lol! yes you should do that :D

It is a good news but I do not support it. They may be other issues with it. Our food may get contaminated by the rays. It can even change their chemical structure.

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