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RE: 5G: The Beast - The Dangers and Steps to Mitigate Harm

in #technology6 years ago

The other problem is people pick and chose what they want to believe or use from the Bible, which is really just a convenient way to ignore points that don't agree with their point of view.

Ya, this is the big problem, assuming the truth of the words. My take is that many of the words line up with certain other teachings I've run into, so I use what makes sense to me. I've read some crazy interpretations of certain verses, even this one is a bit of a stretch, but I've read some really deep, confusing bible "prophecies" that are questionable at best and I don't think the words are meant to be taken literally most of the time but rather symbolically. Maybe I should actually read the thing one of these days

Ralph Waldo Emerson said:
“Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet.” thats what I tend to do


if you haven't read the Bible how did you come across those verses you referenced? I haven't read it or if I did it was a LONG time ago. But like you said, a lot of the old testament has stories that are very similiar to stories in older cultures, meaning a lot of the same stories were passed down and used by different cultures/religions for their own manipulation into what they wanted. The Flood story is a classic example, there were a number of other flood stories very similar to Noahs. It is hard to take a lot of the Bible at its word like you said, more symbolic than literal. But many many people take things literally and that causes problems. More wars have been about religion than anything else.

internet and books, a lot of people quote the bible. And ya you're right, the similarities between the biblical stories and character and other cultures histories and stories is pretty coincidental. I've been reading about ancient Egypt in this book by Isha Schwaller De Lubicz and she talks about how the bible mentions that john the baptist was taught in Egypt and how many similar teachings seem to have transferred from egypt to the christian teachings/bible. Probably just handed down knowledge using different terminology for the christian contemporaries to better understand what was being taught.

yeah I have read about similarities between egyptian and christian teachings. There are ties between the two from way back. not unusual to take what you have been exposed to and make it part of your own culture

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