(IJCH) Top Tech Pundits Believe Augmented Reality is the Next Global Game Changer

in #technology7 years ago (edited)


(IJCH) Top Tech Pundits Believe Augmented Reality is the Next Global Game Changer

IJCH - Inside JaiChai's Head (meaning: My warped, personal opinions and musings)

From the Author


I am JaiChai.

And if I haven't had the pleasure to make your acquaintance, it's always nice to meet a fellow Steemian.


The race is on for marketing new devices and systems that incorporates the eye-popping, heart thumping and hyper-realistic "Minority Report"/"Johnny Mnemonic" style Next Generation (NextGen) Augmented Reality (AR).


This is not your simple 2D virtual reality. In traditional virtual reality, the user is routinely placed into a virtual world on a 2D screen.

By contrast, the NextGen AR brings the characters and objects from the digital world into the user's environment - reminiscent of the ultra-realistic, high-tech, virtual experiences only written about in science fiction novels.


In other words, no more 2D limitations from conventional (legacy) virtual reality systems.

The digital objects brought into the user's environment are 3D, interact with the user, and can easily be manipulated by speech and body movements.

All the big players in the tech space are investing vast amounts of money into NextGen AR (e.g., Google, Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Facebook - and many more).


The world's richest man, Amazon's Jeff Bezos, is betting heavily in this NextGen AR technology; creating a whole new division at Amazon whose sole purpose is to focus on how Amazon can best utilize NextGen AR for the benefit of its customers (and of course, to positively impact the bottom line).

"...this [NextGen AR] is the next world-changing technology. It is so life-altering that soon we'll find it in every home." - Jeff Bezos

Even Snapchat has developed and implemented an option that will allow users to send basic level AR-enhanced images and videos to friends and family

Why the Stampede of Deep-Pocket Investors?

Here's a short list of the motivating factors:

  • Quantum leaps in the vividness and realism of user experience

  • A huge scope of capabilities and benefits; spanning limitless, unique scenarios

  • Adaptable to all operating environments

  • Cross-industry applications

  • Countless present day, practical use cases

  • Globally disruptive impact on all aspects of personal and business life

As you can see, each of the listed items have potentially profound implications and thousands of cross-industry applications.

That is why big companies are scrambling to get an early jump on its competitors.


Nobody Wants to Miss the NextGen AR Train and Be Left Behind

"The Augmented Reality market capitalization should reach $61.39 billion dollars by 2023." - reportsnreports.com

Amit Singh, Google VP of business and operations for virtual reality states, "Hundreds of millions of Android devices will be able to engage in AR uses by the end of 2018."

The goal of all major players is to attain a firm footing and early presence in the many new industries that will surely result from this technology.


Dude, the Name is Stupid/Sucks!

Sadly, NextGen AR has yet to garner an elegant name.

It's been called "Project Aura", "Oculus +", and even the "iPhone Killer" - along with many other awkward and ugly names.

The past and current labels are either too long and complicated or to short and vague; miserably failing to remotely describe this amazing technology.


I'd like to throw my hat in the ring; in hopes that the people actually responsible for choosing its name in the future will create something modern, stylish and technically correct - yet simple to understand and easily remembered.


I propose that this Next Generation Technology be called "TIAR", pronounced "Tee-R" - which stands for Total Immersion Augmented Reality.

What do you think?

By JaiChai

Many thanks for reading my post. And if you enjoyed it, please: Upvote, Follow, Comment and Resteem.

- JaiChai "My mind was a terrible thing to waste..."


About the Author

JaiChai has been in the Disruptive Technology, Computer Science and Cryptocurrency spaces for many years. He is an enigma, regarded by his cohorts as sarcastic, funny, intuitive, but most of all - elusive. He’s known for randomly submitting philosophical and contrarian posts on most forums.

JaiChai alternates long dormant periods with concentrated episodes of frenzied commentary - only to go silent again.

When asked about his vanishing acts, he says, "I’m just somebody who enjoys being nobody because I look like everybody. Besides, time checking things off my 'bucket list’ - sans notoriety - is time well spent.”

Parting Shot -



Nice. I like that. Hopefully somebody will pick it up.



(I have to always check that word. In a rush, I once posted "Slutations" instead. Rhut-Roh!)

Thanks for stopping by, my friend.

The first iteration of the name was "TIARA" ("A" was for Apparatus); but a sales friend of mine said that was too much on the anti-male gender marketing side.

Imagine that?




Haven't forgotten you too.



ok dear thanks

Like with any new technology, I see good and bad with the coming wave of augmented reality. We will first see the good aspects such as looking at a business and knowing everything about the business without having to do a search...We will see a link to their website, their operating hours, etc. In time I think that advertisers will capitalize on the technology and splash their advertisements digitally everywhere we look. Commercialism of the technology is inevitable. i'm anxious to see what the future holds. My new phone, the Google Pixel 2 will be adding Augmented reality soon(if not already). Because of the incredible development costs of this technology, I feel that it will mostly be used for advertising as we are already seeing with some of the newest players in the game.

Hopefully, the good aspects of this tech do not get smothered. Nobody likes commercials and I could see this being a hard sell if that is all people get when buying into a new platform that supports it.


Salutations, my friend!

Hope you and yours are well and loving life.

I agree. Commercialization of this technology is inevitable.

We live in a world of techno-zombies which will probably get worse before it gets better.

It will make the "in person-to-in person" encounter much more rare.

I must confess that I am guilty of feigning an "important msg" to get away from someone now and then.

Eye to eye communication goes a long way towards forging deeper relationships. And there is far less that can be misinterpreted. On a metaphysical level, we do actually share each other's being (molecules and atoms, etc.) simply by being in proximity of each other.

But it sure would be nice to experience Mars or Saturn vividly in my own lifetime...



The lab I work at has satellites at all of the planets (including Pluto....poor Pluto). Hopefully we will one day be able to experience these planets virtually.

I know that Google Earth already has Mars loaded onto it for easy exploring.

LASP. Cool.Very cool.




Yeah poor Pluto...

Because of Walt Disney, most people think of the cartoon dog character - that can't even talk like Goofy - instead of a Dwarf Planet and a Greek God (of the underworld).

"It's a 'spiracy I tell ya! I 'spiracy 'gainst astronomers, Man!"




Personally, I don’t share the excitement over AR.

Sure, there are probably kids who think chasing around Pokémon in their backyards is the end-all-be-all, and there are different applications for it that will be pretty cool. Though at this point, I can’t honestly say I’ve seen or heard of anything developing in the space that warrants the huge amount of hype that catches my interest.


Thanks for stopping by and commenting, amigo.

I think my excitement stems more from remembering the early, super-clunky versions of this technology. I got to play with some of the earliest prototypes a few years ago and can see the leaps of improvement.

As a side benefit - perverse pleasure - for me is remembering how I was totally ridiculed when I proposed this tech to my investment group over five years ago; ending up investing by myself and one fellow believer (kinda like what's happening with my MEMs initiative today).

Boom! My friend and I are making a killing on our joint investment in the specialized chip maker that provides all the major players in the NextGen AR space with their advanced video chips.

Always nice to see if you are truly a fool or get vindicated for genius forethought, no?




When the Gold Rush is on, the wise person invests in picks and shovels...

Haha, that’s gotta be a nice “I told you so” feeling, indeed. :-)


Funny how typing your username is becoming second nature these days.

RE: I Told You So's


Yes it is!

Sinfully delicious, my good man!!



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