Intelligent and Adaptive Apps

in #technology8 years ago (edited)

There is definitely renewed excitement on the Steemit platform. I do believe that the experiment is adding a lot to this excitement. Sure everybody's got their own opinion if the experiment is working or not, but all I can say is that there is a very clear positive change on the Steemit platform. Exciting times ahead !!

I have not written for quite some time, as I have been full time in my own business for the last few months. This is a lot harder work than when employed on a full time basis. All of a sudden you have different priorities, but it is one the best things that I have ever done in my life :)

Intelligent apps

I have written many Information Technology posts in the past with the aim to assist non-technological people to understand what is that everybody is talking about, when they speak about things like Internet of Things (IoT, Big data, Blockchains and many other.

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As I am currently researching a new technology trend, I thought that I will do it again and this time write about Intelligent apps but in laymen's terms. This way I can understand it as well :)

Gartner recently published that Intelligent Apps are going to be part of our daily live.

What is an Intelligent App?

As technology grows at a tremendous speed, our daily lives are getting exponentially more difficult and more complex to manage, so what better application than using technology to assist with some of our daily tasks. Straight forward things like prioritising your emails, which you currently have to do manually, or scheduling your day, which we again do manually, will soon be done by Intelligent Apps. Intelligent Apps are there for Applications, that learn your behavioural patterns and then assist you in future. In short, Intelligent Apps, tries to bridge the gap between man and machine

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What applications are there for Intelligent Apps?

A while ago I noticed that when I get in the car to drop off the kids at School, Google maps, on iOS started to send me messages of what the traffic is like as well as the time it will take to get to school. This is an excellent example of what Intelligent apps can do. And if you think about it , it is not even that difficult application to code. Google has access to my phone, and obviously noticed that I get in the car and drive to a specific place every day, it knows the route I drive and it knows the traffic in the area. I nearly switched the feature off, as it feels a lot like …Big Brother is watching you, but then I through by myself that t is actually a very nice feature, especially if you are driving to the office and it can assist you with traffic conditions and alternative routes.

We all know about the Bot Wars in Steemit … well a bot is nothing else as an intelligent app, allthough some of them are not so intelligent :)

There are many other examples of Intelligent apps that we all use mostly on a daily basis. Think of things like, Siri, Alexa,

How do they work?

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There are many large organisations playing in the field of Intelligent Apps. Companies like IBM, Oracle, Microsoft are only a few organisations which have dedicated teams looking into this.

Oracle for example has a solution in the cloud, where you can use 3rd party data, to teach your application things based on a few things:

Data and Context Driven

Here you can use large amounts of data which is available from various sources, to do real time learning, and use the outputs in context to guarantee personalised experiences.

Action orientated

With Actions, the system will learn the users behaviours, from where thing can be anticipated, and then used in a specific manner.

Continuously Adaptive and Self learning

As the system learns the users behaviour, you can tweak the system, to give even better personalised experiences.

You can read more about the Oracle Intelligent Apps here

This is just a very brief introduction to the world of Intelligent and Adaptive apps. Please feel free to comment, add your experiences with Intelligent Apps. You can even mention a few of the more well know Intelligent Apps, which you already use in your day to day lives.

I am sure that we will all interact with an intelligent app in the near future and that this technology, will create a lot of new and exciting possibilities for our future.

Time to go and work …

Happy Steeming!


One problem is to be useful these 'intelligent apps' need to gather a lot of user info. I for one am happy enough with this but the general public may not be.

Ye, you get a lot of people that do not want the Big Brother aspect. I am however also happy, as long as my data which is publicly available is used to better my experience within these apps and on the web

As long as we can control the data we share, I think those apps are very good. I should really start learning this ML stuff :)

Great to hear from you @lemouth! Fully agree that we should always be in control of what we share, but you will always find the criminal aspects where people will either sell your data or somebody will steal your data.

Of course. As soon as a door is open... :)

Do you think that we can make decentralized intelligent apps? I also feel uncomfortably because of the "Big Brother" thing. Mhm but then there's the problem with blockchains and real privacy... But Maybe we could create intelligent apps that give you some reward like tokens for just giving it your data. That would be a cool thing.

I don't think that decentralized intelligent apps are from of becoming reality. Another very good use case for Crypto and Blockchain Tech

Maybe a old fashioned guy, but I don't like anything or anyone to tell me what to do. I like to think for myself and make my own decisions. Smart apps can make people stupid.

Agree with you @bart2305, when calculators came into our schools our children stopped learning to do basic maths :)

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