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in #technology โ€ข 6 years ago

What would you pay for extra time? Everything you have.

Why? Because it is the one thing in life that no one can change, alter, or influence!

At least not at the moment. (Those of us who are Star Trek or Back To The Future fans are hopeful there will be other options in the future. But for now . . . )

You canโ€™t defer it, save it, grow it, invest it, or ever get it back. It waits for no one.
It is what it is.

If you think about it, time is the great equalizer. It has no bias, prejudice, or favorites.
We are all equals in its grasp.

Almost everything in our culture is based on timeโ€”schedules, retirement, insurance, hourly wages, education, plastic surgery (denying time), and on it goes.

Can you imagine a life without time? ... Just thinking about that can hurt your head.

  • You might be asking: ... so whatโ€™s your point?

Well, i begin with a quote:

The great French Marshall Lyautey once asked his gardener to plant a tree.
The gardener objected that the tree was slow growing and would not reach maturity for 100 years.

The Marshall replied, โ€œIn that case, there is no time to lose; plant it this afternoon!โ€
... John F. Kennedy_US Politician 1917โ€“1963

Time should be the main reason you start something now!
So, Iโ€™m about to conduct a little โ€œexperimentโ€ and I was hoping you might like to be involved...

See, I was wondering what would happen...

If I were able to help you become a living, breathing channel for Financial Abundance.

Iโ€™m talking full-on synchronicity-and-opportunity-all-around-you, limitless-adventure, best-dressed-and-best-fed, not-enough-time-in-the-day-for-all-the-wonderful-people-who-want-to-see-you-and-all-the-awesome-things-you-want-to-do-with-your-dumptrucks-full-of-money ABUNDANCE.

Just how would your life change?

How would the WORLD change?

I have some theories, but Iโ€™m not going to share them with you before the experiment (I wouldnโ€™t want to influence the results ;-)

But if you think youโ€™d like to participate, so we can see what happens once you possess the resources to REAL-ize anything you can imagine...

Simply go here and watch this quick : Exposure

Itโ€™ll show you exactly how to become a Channel for Abundance, so we can start observing the effects your newfound prosperity will have...

(Iโ€™m sure weโ€™re both going to enjoy it ;-)

Go here to get started: ==> Cyberwork Market

Letโ€™s see how this little โ€œexperimentโ€ plays out, shall we?

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