Main Function of Search Engines

in #technology7 years ago

Main Function Search Engine - Morning spirit of friends, Warm Greetings! Where we learn Understanding SEO then we will be faced with the Main Function Search engine because this is the highest level in SEO lessons when we can understand about the Main Function Search Engine. So from that knowledge I wrote an article about the main function of Search Engine. With confusing results

Search engine or Search engine is a computer program designed to search for files stored in www service, ftp, publication mailing list, or news group in a or a number of peladend computer in a network. Search engine is an information search tool from the available documents. Search results are generally displayed in the form of lists that are often sorted by the accuracy level or visitor's ratio of a file called hits. Information targeted for search can be found in various file types such as web pages, images, or other file types.

Main Search Engine Functions

The web search engine works by storing information about many web pages, taken directly from the WWW. These pages are loaded with an automated web browser web crawler that follows every link / link it sees. The contents of each page are then analyzed to determine how to index them (for example, words taken from titles, subheads, or special fields called meta tags). Data about web pages is stored in an index database for use in future searches. Some search engines, like Google, store all or part of the source page (called cache) as well as information about the web page itself.

In addition to web pages, search engines also store and provide search result information in the form of links that refer to files, such as audio files, video files, images, photos and so on, as well as information about a person, a product, service, and other information that continues to grow develop in accordance with the development of information technology.
When someone visits a search engine and enters a query, usually by entering a keyword, the machine searches the index and gives a list of web pages that best fit the criteria, usually with a brief summary of the document title and sometimes some of the text.

There are other types of search engines: real-time search engines, like Orase. a machine like this does not use an index. The information required by the machine is only collected if there is a new search. Compared to index-based systems used by machines like Google, the real-time system is superior in some ways: information is always up-to-date, (almost) no dead links, and fewer system resources are required. (Google uses nearly 100,000 computers, Orase is just one.) However, there is also a disadvantage: the longer search completes.

The benefits of a search engine depend on the relevance of the results it provides. While there may be millions of web pages that contain a word or phrase, some pages may be more relevant, popular, or autoritative than others. Most search engines use various methods to rank search results in order to deliver the best results first. The way the machine determines which pages are most suitable, and the order in which they are shown, varies greatly. His methods have also changed over time with the changing use of the internet and the evolution of new techniques.

Most web search engines are commercially supported businesses with advertising revenue and therefore partially run controversial practices, which allow advertisers to pay for their pages ranked higher in search results.

Sample Search Engine (Search Engines)

Ask Search Engine
Ask was created in 1996 by Gerrett Gruener and also David Warthen. Currently Ask grows start trying to rise to face competition among search engines. Currently the use of search engines using the ask has been widely used by netizens in various parts of the world.

Bing Search Engine
Bing is a search engine that is also widely used in searching online information. Bing is a subordinate of Microsoft's parent company. Although Bing search is managed by computer technology giant company, but still can not compete with the use of Google as the largest search engine.

Google Search Engine
Google is one of the most popular search engines and is also widely used in the world. In addition to web search, Google also provides image search services, news searches as well as searches on USENET archives (newsgroups), as well as directories. Googgle fairly reliable in text search because it is supported by super sophisticated algorithm.

Yahoo Search Engine
Yahoo is one of the largest portals on the Internet, after MSN. also one of the most senior search engines. The front yahoo page is less interesting and not user friendly info seeker, but still provided Yahoo relies on information from their databases, as well as collaborate with googgle search engine services in searching for their source of information. Excellence Yahoo! lies in its directory.

After reading the articles that many above. Well, that's how the search engine works. So this article hopefully useful to add our insight about internet technology in this Search Engine. See you in my next article.

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