Gmail Add Reminder Features, What is It?

in #technology7 years ago


The application of Gmail's email service continues to make changes and innovations to make it easy for its users. As is known, Gmail adds a number of new features that help the user's performance, nudges or reminders. this feature helps remind users to reply to old e-mails that have not been replied.

Gmail will show orange-specific notifications next to unresponsed e-mail subjects. As for posts on such notifications, "received three days ago, reply now?" The existence of this new feature is expected to help remind users to reply to an important message that may be missed.

According to Google, this new feature of Gmail is utilizing artificial intelligence technology (artificial intelligence) is expected to help users. "In this way, Gmail will poke users to reply to e-mail that may be missed.Users are also reminded to follow up on e-mails sent," the statement from Google.

This nudges feature will be automatically enabled in all Gmail accounts. This feature is planned to be released in the next few days. But, if it is disturbing, you can disable the feature through the settings menu. Uncheck the two boxes of the nudges section. Both boxes function activate the reminder feature.

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