TOP 10 Technology Companies Around The World ...

in #technology7 years ago

Many of us are always thinking of how big companies like Apple, Samsung and many other companies will win in this post. I will review the top 10 companies in terms of profits and success.


        1. Apple is the largest US technology company in terms of profits, where the profits of Apple annually to more than 215 billion dollars

Which is the highest income of a technical company around the world and specializes in Apple in the production of smart phones, computers, software, etc ...

       2. Samsung, the largest Korean company, is second to this list, with Samsung's profit reaching $ 200 billion a year

The company specializes in smart phones and electronics and the number of its products to more than 60 products

      3. Foxconn is in third place. Foxconn is the world's third-largest technology company with more than $ 140 billion

The company specializes in the manufacture of electronic core materials, for example, it does not design and innovate devices. Foxconn's mission is to clone the pieces

For example, the company manufactures the PlayStation 4, it does not mean that it owns it is initially made by Sony and it only makes copies of it

       4. Amazon online shopping giant Amazon's annual income is more than $ 135 billion, the company's highest income

Online trading around the world The company also operates in cloud computing and digital distribution

       5. HP annual revenue is approximately US $ 118 billion and the company has the largest sales worldwide

Personal Computers The company specializes in computer systems, software, hardware and many other products

       6. Microsoft software myth, where Microsoft's income is $ 85 billion annually and the company works in software programs

Digital distribution, computer hardware, consumer electronics and its most prominent products are Windows, Office, Skype, Xbox etc ...)

        7. IBM has an annual revenue of $ 82 billion per year and is specialized in the computing services industry

Hardware, software products, modem and data centers

         8. Alphabet is a company founded in 2015 and was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, founders of Google Inc. The company's income

Annual to $ 75 billion and is specialized in the Internet industry, programming, communication equipment, health care and so on

        9. Dell Technologies, with annual revenue of $ 74 billion, and in 2016 Dell merged with Emac

The company's name is Dell Emac, and the company specializes in personal computers and business solutions

        10.Sony annual revenue is more than US $ 67 billion and the company is working on the personal computing industry

And electronic devices and the most prominent products smart phones, personal computers and PlayStation in addition to trade online.

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