How the etymology of the contents of different media types and creations thereof (video, imagery, artwork, movies, etc) could aid in the promotion of positivity in human kind for generationssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #technology6 years ago

Idea: The etymology not only for text, but for a multi MIME time system. If anyone knows of anything like this, please let me know. I've been listening to a lot of Jordan Peterson lately, and he does a wonderful job of breaking down potential ideas starting with the evolution of the structure of belief and ends up covering why art may mean certain things, why literature may mean certain things, heck - even analysis of a few different Disney movies! Believe it or not - there is a TON of dense psychological brilliance and historical myth reliving in Disney movies. For example, he covers Pinocchio in his "Maps of Meaning" lectures from 2017 and by the end of it, I'm looking at myself and realizing that I want to be a better man! Sorry for my digression.

Anyway, the point of me saying that was that would love to see some system such as etymology but for art, literature, psychology, opinion, technology, governance, creativity, etc. As far as I know, there isn't something like that. I think it would be really cool and a worthwhile effort of us a society to take on a project like that.

Here's an example of what an entry could look like in this system. Something like Wikipedia I suppose, but with a more consistent format that could correlate to its own particular system. For example, I wouldn't expect if I searched for Picasso's most famous painting on Wikipedia that I would see the section "Precursors." This is certainly a small complaint as perhaps there is a section called "Inspiration" or "Original" or "Similar Works", but I feel that those chains of thinking don't follow exactly the same as "Precursors" or etymology. I think it would also necessarily cover various different chains of thinking, as different cultures may have developed the same thing but it could mean different things:

A) The dragon in asian (eastern) cultures is a symbol of excellence and outstanding exemplification of oneself

B) The dragon in cultures that I am most familiar with (western) is a symbol of destruction, chaos, and it comes from the idea of a serpent - which is literally the thing with which your biology has adapter itself to be able to react more quickly than you can perceive your own thoughts - and that is astonishing.*

*The second link doesn't really have anything to do with the western* - [Trying to italicize a statement beginning with an asterisk. Is this possible in markdown? There's an issue on Github for some library here - at least someone else has run into this thought before and I'm not completely an idiot.]

Here's my actual text so please let me know how to italicize a bullet or bulleted list if you know markdown super well.

*\*The second link doesn't really have anything to do with the western\** - [Trying to italicize a statement beginning with an asterisk. Is this possible in markdown? [There's an issue on Github for some library here - at least someone else has run into this thought before and I'm not completely an idiot.](] 

or it could mean the same thing but have evolved from a different idea. I think if we could track this "tree of evolution of ideas" much more closely and accurately, we could begin to paint a better picture of how societies can work to better understand each other. I think it is clear that we can cooperate and work with the Chinese. I think that some of our symbols mean quite literally the opposite of what some of their symbols mean. I think that serves as at least enough to get me want to learn how to understand them better as a culture, as well as every other culture with which I am unfamiliar. My excuse is that it's just too hard. That's a bad excuse I think we can make it easier using technology if we all work together and want the same outcomes of a better, happier, more prosperous society.

So, in closing, with this multi-media etymology tracking, I believe we could begin to understand everyone a little bit better. With that added understanding, we could begin reaching towards more positive goals as a collective group of despite all being completely different from each other in terms of world view, experience, and opinion; the same kind of primate. Finally, I think if that's possible, it would be irresponsible of us not to at least try. I'd love to know your thoughts and thank you for reading this post. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

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